nine ☀️

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sorry for not updating in a long time, been busy with school and everything else.


       "Holy flipping Helheim."

       "Oh damn, that's bloody!" Alex beamed, "I love it!" Magnus didn't know why this girl actually liked watching blood splatter across a room's walls or the guts spilling out of some human being. Heck, he didn't even know why Alex would choose a horror movie. Who does that? All he thought about was all the complaints and damnable things he might go through with this movie.

"Why are we even watching this?" Magnus said with a small voice. Yeah, didn't seem as masculine as he thought he would go, but who gives a shit now? He's damn scared, traumatized even. How does this girl keep up with this? And he winced again, getting surprised—he insisted on the term—because of a bloody doll popping out from nowhere.

Alex shrugged as she took another sip of her hot chocolate. "It's lovely!" She said as she cheered for another death scene. In anyway at all, Magnus enjoyed being here, despite the horrors of watching a horror movie with a vaguely homicidal teen he's now having a movie marathon with. Magnus was glad he was pulled into a way to get to know Alex more, even when all he did was scream and trash around while Alex laughed at him.

Oh, but Alex Fierro's laugh—that was what Magnus got all flustered about. He didn't know if he stared (he stared.) but when he saw the sensation of Alex laughing, her cheeks flush, her mouth ajar and her set of perfect, white teeth greet him along with the melodic sound of her laugh. Of course, he had to make an excuse about gawking, but oh well, why wouldn't he? Alex was cute, she was gorgeous even!

Still, Magnus questioned who the girl Alex said to have asked for her to paint Magnus' smiling face. For a moment, he was creeped out, but then again, it wasn't so bad. Having someone admire you for your smile—sure, Magnus wasn't quite into feelings and all that certain emotions for a girl and he's pretty sure he's not that much into girls—maybe a genderfluid, trans, green-haired chick with heterochromatic eyes. Yeah, he's into that, just haven't admitted it to himself yet. When will he? Well, to his assumption, never. He didn't take this all attracted to someone thing all too well, for all he knew, he would've been blushing now from all this thinking.

"Alex—okay dammit! Why did I agree to watch this?" He shouted as he followed it with a scream. Alex just laughed again, her eyes closing slightly as she patted Magnus back and made his head lean into her shoulder—OKAY MAGNUS CHILL.

"There, there. Little Maggie's afraid of some homicidal bloody doll." Alex teased while she rubbed Magnus' hair. "Don't chu worry, Mommy's here—"

"Mom died two years ago." Magnus suddenly said, but realized his mistake when a sound of surprised escaped Alex's mouth, Magnus pulled away and stared at her. She had a look of both surprise and apology, as if she had made the biggest mistake in the world. Before she could open her mouth, Magnus intervened. "No, no. Don't apologize, it's okay! I—" he stopped himself, "I don't want to talk about it, really."

      "Magnus," Alex said and grasped his hand. He just looked at the nice, golden skin wrapped around his pale one's. "I know this will sound insincere, but I'm really sorry. I didn't know, but I—um, I kinda know what it feels like." Alex wrapped an arm over to her shoulder, caressing what seemed like a cold touch of air. She looked very uneasy and terrified of what she was about to say next, and Magnus didn't like it. He hated making her feel as if she was not in her comfort zone, he wanted her to be happy and comfortable and he didn't want to ruin this movie date(?).

      "Yeah, and we just missed another killing scene." Magnus said with humor despite the tense atmosphere, and it seemed to loosen up the gears that had buckled themselves up in Alex's wires. She quickly glanced back at the flat screen TV hanged on her wall as she plopped down the sofa more, wanting it to swallow her.

      "Damn! I need to watch that again." She groaned as the credits started rolling. Magnus plopped down next to her, admiring the blissful silence as the movie came to a stop. He felt the calm and composed nature of the winter breeze flowing inside from the window, and the clicking of the wall clock as time passed—Magnus really loved this kind of atmosphere. Where he would just sit down in a living room, words in his head jumble into one whole poem. He loved the way he came up with analogies about Alex's hair, or her eyes. Magnus thought she was beautiful.

      "You're beautiful." He said, thinking out loud. "Excuse me?" Alex asked as she sat up and Magnus just exploded as his face got redder and redder. "I—no. It's just—ah, I suck." Alex laughed. "Yeah. Yeah, you suck."

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