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Magnus looked up from the sunny specks of light erupting from the window. He nudged the flock of green hair pressed upon his neck—Alex was nuzzling her head further into Magnus' neck, relishing the warmth from Magnus' body. Magnus only laughed slightly, smiling as he caressed the green hair.

He had always loved Alex's dyed hair. The roots were still black, but he knew she had taken up so much effort to change herself. He had been through discrimination, through many bullshit in her life that the change and the comfort she would feel whenever she looked at herself in the mirror and would say: This is me. In the best way possible, filled with happiness and satisfaction. This is the real me. He loved how Alex had accepted all that she is, and is comfortable with how she turned out to be—as her own kind of beautiful, with the same amount of comfort.

     "What time is it?" She said in a gruffly tone as she breathed in. "And why the fuck is it so cold?" Magnus only smiled, and scooted closer to Alex's aid. He wrapped his arms around her as he sniffed in the faint scent of honey-lazed strawberries in Alex's hair. Magnus relished these moments with Alex, the slow days sleeping together harmoniously and not having to deal with any kind of anxiety regarding one's belonging. The deep serenity erupted their presence as both of them fell in love in their own quiet way.

     "It something beyond time." He said quietly, not minding Alex's scoff. He caresses her hair in the most gentle way he could, and was smiling all the time. Magnus loved Alex so much, or was it love? He didn't know for sure, in all honesty. All he knew was that Alex was there, in all her lovely glory. He smiled and kissed Alex's hair.

"You're getting poetic again." She said, and Magnus could hear the smirk in her voice as she sat up, tousling her hair in the messiest way possible. And Magnus could've sworn he almost flipped and cursed himself because Alex looked so attractive—she looked so perfect. Magnus didn't know why or how she become his, but he was happy that she was in fact—his to own. He loved the fact that those lips were his to kiss, that hair was for him to caress, that whole person was his. Alex Fierro is his.

Magnus stood up and kissed her, savoring every part of her lips—every reflection of her soul. It was as if listening to a distant array of disdain and consolation, a euphoric lament of the thrilling feel of pulse against pulse, and the and electric coursing. It was all something very vague, yet something that marked forever. That was what every kiss, every hug, every touch Magnus felt with Alex.

      "You're being so sappy again." Alex said as she pulled away and nuzzled closer to Magnus again. The blond only caressed her back, and she smiled and kissed him again. The kiss was like the collision of two bodies in motion, pushing—forceful, yet having many reasons.

       "Well, should I blame myself?" Magnus said as he kissed her again. He just can't have enough of her. She was like an addicting drug, a pleasurable guilt, something Magnus wanted over and over again, without stop.

        "You smell like falafel." Alex said as she laughed and pushed Magnus away. She stood up and went straight to the kitchen, whilst Magnus groaned and stayed in bed. He then decided to follow her, with all his willpower to stand up and not get dragged back in the forces the bed let out. He entered the kitchen and found her by the counter, making some coffee for herself.

      "Good morning." Magnus said as he hugged her from behind. His blond hair made its way to shield his face, but he didn't mind. Alex did, as the strands of golden hair tickled her shoulders. She had only a tank top on, and Magnus wanted to swear and just do unnecessary things—like kissing her shoulder. Which he did right away.

Alex smiled as he felt the blond's kisses all over her shoulders. Magnus traced her shoulder blades using his lips as if it were a game of connect the dots. He relished in the freckles that were scattered all over them, and the collar bones that followed beneath. He turned Alex over and claimed her lips, his usual way of getting energy in the mornings. Alex only responded, smiling secretly at how cute Magnus was, even when he had dried up drool, and morning breath—which she didn't mind. She had loved all of this.

Magnus Chase had been Alex's leverage. Whenever the guy smiled, Alex also felt the massive desire to smile back. It was as if what Magnus felt was directed towards Alex, as if saying words and wit making Alex confused, making her feel all fuzzy and warm and just an array of discord and confusion with a tinge of the lackluster, and manipulative desires.

"Good morning, too." Alex said as the sunshine made it through the windows and shone through Magnus' face. The sunlight had illuminated his features, and Alex made a move to trace them. It was something she did most of the time out of boredom, but Magnus had loved it as much as he would love Alex. She traced using her fingers, those versatile and agile fingers. Fingers that played, fingers that created art, and destroyed Magnus' sense of calm and composed. He felt the finger over his lips, hovering over the upper as he felt fingers also caress his cheek. He moved his hand over said hand and moved it towards his lips, giving it a kiss.

"It's so early, you idiot." Alex laughed as Magnus traced all the way up to her shoulders, to her neck, to her cheek, and to her lips—reclaiming it as if it was a prize after a long journey. He cupped her face and gave her another kiss over the forehead, to the end of her nose. She smiled and laughed as Magnus kissed her, calloused hands from too much of his poetry and writing over her cheeks—as if molding her, as if she was wet clay. She loved the texture of his hands, and observing the same delicate feature, despite the callouses over his fingers.

"There's always time to appreciate your beauty." He said, and Alex smiled again, feeling the kiss inch down to her neck and to her shoulders again. Magnus had always liked the spot, for when he kisses it, there was no sense of lust or any kind of dirty desire—but only love and appreciation. He marveled at how beautiful Alex was, how he owned her in every way possible. She was his, and he was hers—and really, that was the best thing.

Magnus smiled and moved away to make his own coffee. Alex moved over to sit kiss the back of his neck, moving away his blond locks as she threw her arms over his shoulders, giving her the warmth he needed.

"I love you." She said.

"More than anything," He said. "I love you, too."

And he smiled, giving her one last kiss before the sat down and started their day again.

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