sixteen 🐍

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It was Christmas. Alex had woken up from the alarm buzzing, printed numbers of 12:00 glowed red on the electric clock. She was rolled up in her green and pink blanket—a thick mess that made her look like an avocado that had strawberry frosting roll. And really, that was what she had been going for all day.

"Ahhh." She had complained in a disarray of incoherent noises. "Why is this so hard?" She said as she tried getting up, only falling down again. She heard the Christmas jingles of Santa-wannabes outside, and children or a choir singing the holy glorious glory of how the God was born. She wasn't that religious, she wasn't even sure she was an atheist—but whether she was those two, she would always go by tradition and respect it. It's not like their beliefs would harm people, and it's not like when she talked contradictory to what most people believed, she would get answers. No.

     Finally, she stood up and put on an ugly sweater. Dotted with green Christmas balls, and pink ribbons printed over the collar—this was ugly, but it was pink and green, her colors. She hurriedly went to the bathroom and washed her face, brushed her teeth and dried off with a towel.

     She walked to the kitchen where she had kept a few cookies in the refrigerator. She picked up her sketch pad and pencil, grabbed a few brush pens and colored pens—attempting to paint something just for the sake of Christmas. She glanced to the window, once she finished making her coffee. Almost instantly, Magnus Chase waved to her—he was clad in an ugly sweater agin, but not as ugly as the last one he wore. Alex swore she still dreamed of reindeers haunting her.

     "What you got there?" Magnus asked as he pointed to the table. Alex followed the direction of his index finger and her eyes landed to the cookies she kept refrigerated. "Cookies from the café across the street. Want some?" She asked and laid out the plate of cookies to Magnus, who apparently reached for one chocolate chip cookie. Yeah, their buildings were that close to each other, why did the apartment owner even asked the architect to make a window here? Not that she hated it, she loved being this close to Magnus, despite being so far—well, not really far. But it was still a heavy walk for someone as lazy as Alex.

     "Thanks." Magnus said and sat down on the table, he had a pen and paper on the surface of the table, and a plate of falafel. Apparently, Magnus couldn't spend Christmas—the holiest day, without the holiest food. "Want some?" He asked as Alex only shook her head. She wasn't in the mood for something savory.

     "Did you just reject falafel?" Magnus blurted out. "That's like rejecting my love and emotions." And he put a hand over his chest. "You are cruel."

     Alex laughed. "Shut up, Maggie. I like sweets, mm-kay?" She said and rolled her eyes on Magnus. For some reasons, it was easier for her to smile and laugh whenever Magnus was there. She hadn't known, really, but having Magnus by her side—having such a dork there—that was something Alex was happy and thankful for. She had always hated falling for someone, but it was too late to actually reject it to herself. For all those times she had been with Magnus, she wanted to throw away all the feelings—the attraction, the happiness and euphoria she would feel whenever she was with him. She wanted to wrap all those irrelevant feelings, and throw it away like garbage. But now, really—who was she to do that? She liked the guy, for more than just someone she'd want as a friend.

     Fuck. She had told herself once. Having feelings is this hard. And really, it was. She wasn't the type to be nervous at all, she was laid back and confident and all that. She never really took feelings this serious, and how she coped up with these much feelings? She never knew. But here she was, rambling on about Magnus.

     She wasn't poetic, but she would write for Magnus. All that he was—inside and out. How the golden strands of blond hair would frame his pale face, and sometimes give emphasis to his eyes when he had it up in a bun just so the strands wouldn't have to disturb his sense of tranquility while writing or doing chores he loved. The button nose that she would do anything to bop, and the lips that were so damn close to becoming hers, yet was so far away from her grasp. And those eyes—those eyes that seemed like madness, that seemed like a solidified roach of guilt and storms. She would always remember the childhood days she had, those days where unlike most kids, she would glance out her window and stare at the thunderclouds, and witness the line of electricity—somehow she had the familiarity of that experience while staring at Magnus' eyes.

     "Wanna go out?" Magnus blurted out and Alex almost fell over the window with the question. Instead, she yet out a shaky what and laughed—the best way to cover up a failure. "Uh, I mean—yeah, let's go out on a walk. I don't know? I have nothing to do, I don't even have guests over." He said and shrugged. Alex only laughed.

     "Sure thing. I'd actually love that since I'm alone this Christmas too." She said as she stood up and winked at Magnus. "Now, what about you be a good boy and fetch your lady here?"

     "Ooh! Romantic!" Magnus said, which was an improvement since he wasn't reduced to a blushing mess like those times before. Alex had wanted to scream at herself for saying that—but being the confident self she was, she had held herself up and about and didn't waver.

     She hurriedly went to her bedroom to get her a coat and a scarf—her favorite scarf that was in the hands of Ratatosk before. That evil rodent. She wanted to smack the squirrel, but then again it would be animal abuse. She quickly put on the coat and scarf and tended to the doorbell that rang.

     "Hi." Magnus said, his face was almost hurried in a dismantled scarf, folded too up his face. Alex snickered at how cute Magnus looked.

     Alex reached out to the scarf, removing it then tying it back around Magnus' neck—a blush was evident on his face, but she would've just assumed it was the cold. And right at that, she finished wrapping it over him, like a mom that would do of her child. "You ready?"

     "Yeah. Let's go?" Magnus offered his hand—and Alex was as surprised as he was. But still, she put up a satisfied smile on her face and held onto the hand as they walked.



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