six 🐍

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Alex was angry. And also rather masculine today.

He woke up feeling as if he was frostbitten because he forgot to shut his window. Of course he loved the cold winter air, and by loving that, he literally forgot he was sensitive to cold. So he put on a green hoodie, and wore some socks on his feet as his cottony sweat pants were already coating his legs. He made his way to his living room to do some pottery, he pushed his sleeves up and proceeds even though the water was quite cold.

He was by the window, as a squirrel made its way on the sill. "Whatcha doin' there bud?" His voice was quite raspy, because he just woke up. The squirrel just snickered, looking at what Alex was doing. "Yeah, I know. Quite a talent I have here." He began ranting to the animal. "Oh and yeah, I paint too. Normally, I paint abstract things—not a smiling blond." He put much emphasis to his words as he shaped the clay in his hands, the squirrel moved to Alex's sofa just beside him.

"Don't poop, okay?" He warned as he fixed his eyes on the potter's wheel, shaping the clay. He was ready to cut the excess clay when he heard rustles. He came face to face with a squirrel who was snickering as it looked over her dark pink scarf—his favorite scarf. The rodent snickered one last time before blasting away to his kitchen window. Two word only registered to him—THIS FUCKER.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKER COME BACK HERE!" He shouted, not minding the splattering of clay in his face as he ran all around the kitchen. He clutched the little guy once, but he just earned a scratch on the cheek. The pipsqueak ran to the window and jumped, going towards the guy living adjacent to him.

      Magnus Chase stood there. His baffled expression made Alex want to actually take a picture and frame it just so he has something to look at when he was feeling the need to laugh. But, in this situation, he was more worried about his scarf than future blackmail chances.

"Yeah, Chase! You got a bit of a squirrel buddy there. Mind getting my scarf?" He said as he watched the blond writhe and try to get off as a short man with coffee bean brown skin and a tall blond was helping him get the rodent out of his confines. "Losers." He said under his breathe as he sighed, almost crying with the loss of his favorite scarf.

     Until he realized he'd take matters into his own hands. "I'll go there, wait for me! Don't ever lose that rodent!"

     He staggered towards his door and put on some slippers. Yeah, he pretty much didn't care about his appearance. He ran to the opposite building and quickly made his way to Magnus' room. He rushed off and quickly opened the door, it wasn't locked so he didn't bother knocking. Instantly, he found them in a mess while trying to catch the freaking squirrel. Alex almost face-palmed. That ungrateful rodent!

"Alex! What is it with this rat?!" And it seems like the squirrel got annoyed with that comment and jumped off of Hearthstone's hands to Magnus' unfortunate face, scratching it—and well, let's just censure the scene since it was quite gory. (Lol not really, but it was loud and messy with all Magnus' yelling and trashing around.)

Alex rushed to Magnus' aid, trying hard not to laugh while doing so. Magnus just looked so cute with a rodent dashing at his face, Alex didn't know why she—yes, she. She felt quite feminine, she'll have to insist on it later just in case. But she put that thought aside when she ran to Magnus, quickly trying to get the squirrel out of his hair.

After a bunch of screaming and yelling and just plain right chaos advocating in the small living room, the squirrel finally ends up inside a basket of Magnus' clothes (they removed the clothes though, Magnus protested on having his laundry ripped to shreds), with the lid over it and a pile of books from Magnus' collection to keep the lid from falling off.

     The four of them sat on the sofa, panting hard as Alex gripped her scarf. Magnus was beside her, grasping his stomach as Hearthstone was tending to the scratches on Blitzen's arms. Magnus has a few scratches of his own, Alex made a mental note to tend to them after she caught up with her breath.

     "You have scratches on your arms." Alex pointed out, tossing her scarf across her shoulder.

"Thanks for noticing." Magnus deadpanned as he steadied his breathing. Alex just rolled her eyes. She quickly grabbed some bandages, and some of the healing balm Hearth produced from some herbs—he was a herbalist, as to what Alex observed. "Let me." She said as she tended to Magnus' arms.

     "That rat is going to be the death of me." Blitzen ranted as he pointed and made faces to the squirrel.

I wanna keep it, actually. Hearthstone signed. It's a great way to keep in your place. Blitz just grunted, but he knew he'd let Hearth keep it, Hearth loved nature. "Fine, but I get to name him. I shall name him Ratatosk!"

"Are you guys seriously going to keep a psychotic squirrel that steals scarves? And is probably trash talking us right now." Alex said, and pointed to the squirrel who was squeaking and barking. Alex shuddered, as Blitz shrugged and glanced at Hearth.

"Kid's got a point, dear." Blitzen said, his gaze falling back to Alex. "Oh, I didn't get your name? I'm Blitzen, this is Hearth. And you?"

"I'm Alex Fierro, Magnus' neighbor." She said enthusiastically and Magnus just rolled his eyes again. Alex seemed entertained tending to his scratches like that. He loved how the boy contorted in mild pain, then would whimper—not that he wanted the boy getting hurt. It's just that, he looked like a cute baby boy who scraped his knee. Alex was not a fan of kids, but he really liked the image of baby Magnus.

"Are you sure you're just neighbors?" Blitzen asked as he shared a look with Hearth. The aforementioned blond just smiled mildly, an equivalent of laughing out loud or a simply mischievous look of insult.

"Yeah, I guess. We're just neighbors right, Maggie?" Alex beamed at Magnus who just scowled.

"Don't call me Maggie."

Alex continued tending to his wounds. She was oblivious to the fact that Blitzen and Hearthstone was already having a conversation going off in their eyes, knowing these two will end up alright.

Oh, I don't know. I ship them. Hearth signed and Blitzen just smiled at him.

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