Chapter 2: Piss off

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June's POV

I was working on my eyeliner when the doorbell rang, I glanced at my clock and realized it was 6:50 pm. My boss was here to pick me up and I wasn't even dressed yet! I quickly threw on my deep blue halter dress that stopped below my knees, grabbed my clutch and opened the door.

"Are you ready Ms. June?"

"Yes sir"

As I closing and locking up my apartment door

"Ms. June, your dress is not zipped up all the way" 

"Oh my goodness, I was in such a rush I forgot to zip it up"

I fumbled to find the zipper and Mr. Robin swept my hair to one side and zipped it up for me. His warm hands felt comforting compared to the cool night air. I took a step forward and winced, he noticed my discomfort and stopped walking.

"Ms. June? Whats the matter?"

"I um was rushing down the stairs and accidentally sprained my right ankle in the process" I mumbled

"You sprained your ankle because you were running the stairs?" he said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow

"Yes sir"

"Can you walk? Does it hurt when you walk?" he said, bending down to look my injured foot

"It only hurts a little bit...OW" he pressed down on my ankle and I felt a surge of pain

"It looks like you sprained it quite badly...let's get you to the car, I have some bandages inside"

He brought his hand to my waist and walked me slowly to the passenger side of his silver Mercedes, I heard him rummaging around his trunk and he brought out some bandages. He slowly and carefully bandaged my feet, then he went around and started up the car and drove us to the building of where the party was taking place.

"This party is hosted by the Ellis corporation, and your job is to find out what you can about the company and report back to me"

"So you want me to spy on them?"

"Yes that's exactly what I want you to do"

[Who does he think I am? James Bond? Yes I can pretend to be 007 for one night]

"Ms. June?" Robin his waved his hand in my face, bringing me out of my thoughts


"The men from Ellis are at that table over there" he pointed

"Ah yes thank you"

I walked closer to the table of men that were from Ellis Corp and listened in on their conversation. After 20 minutes of drinking, the men started getting drunk and men are drunk they do stupid things such as---- telling company secrets; I found out something very interesting...I quickly texted my boss, saying that the Ellis corporation is secretly merging with our rival company and that the president of the rival company was coming to Korea next month to finish the deal. 

To congratulate myself on such a job well done I decided to drink some champagne, I guess I must have a low alcohol tolerance because my vision started becoming blurry and I couldn't see or walk straight. I walked out of the building feeling lightheaded and started walking in the direction of my apartment, when two sleazy looking men wearing clothing that looked like they haven't been washed in weeks approached me and grabbed my arm.

"Where you going pretty lady? Wanna have some fun? We can show you a good time"

"Fuck off" I said trying to push them away

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