Chapter 17: Together, Forever

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June's POV

I looked at the beautiful diamond ring on my left hand and smiled to myself. Ever since he proposed, I've been running around preparing for the wedding. We decided we wanted the wedding to be in the summer time and in the month of June which was only 3 weeks away.

I called the venue one last time to make sure everything was prepared, then I called the people in charge of the flowers, cakes, gown, dresses, decorations, seating arrangements. By the time I got off the phone, it was already noon. I'd been on the phone for the past 2 hours. 

"Robin do you want me to make something for lunch?" I called out

"No its fine, I'll cook something"

"Did you already send out the wedding invitations?" I asked

I didn't want a big wedding, so we only invited close family and friends

"Yes, I sent them this morning" he said coming up to give me a kiss

"What are you cooking?" I asked sitting up on the counter

"What do you want?" he said stepping between my legs, his hands on my waist


"Spaghetti it is" he said, grabbing all the ingredients he needed 

I sat on the counter eating cookies and swinging my legs like a child.

"All right, food is done" he said pouring the spaghetti and sauce onto two plates and passing me a fork

"Mhmm I love your spaghetti" I said, grinning happily

"And I love you" he said, smiling at me

"Aiya you're so cringy"  I said, pinching his cheeks

After lunch, we spent the entire day driving around to the different vendors to make sure everything was in place. 

...On the day of the wedding...

"Oh sweetie you're so beautiful!" my mom said, tears streaming down her face

"Mom don't care, if you cry then I'll end up crying" I said, giving her a hug

"Oh sweetheart I'm so proud of you for taking the next big step!"

"Thanks mom, will you go tell dad I'll be out in a minute" I asked

"Sure thing honey"

I checked my makeup in the mirror and got ready to leave. My dad was waiting to walk me down the aisle.

"Sweetie, you're so beautiful! You'll always be my little girl and remember to come visit your mom and I every once in a while okay? I love you so much."

"Yes dad, I'll try to visit as often as I can and I love you too dad. Please don't cry" I said giving him a hug as I approached the altar.

Damn, Robin looked so handsome in his tuxedo, there's still a part of me that can't believe that we are getting married.

"June, you look absolutely stunning" he said, squeezing my hands

"And you look extremely handsome" I said, grinning at him.

"We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to unite Robin Heiden and June Li"

"Now do you Robin accept June to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do, June I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you."  

"Now do you June accept Robin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do, Robin on this day, I give you my heart, My promise, That I will walk with you, Hand in hand, Wherever our journey leads us, Living, learning, loving, Together, Forever. I love you"

"If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace"

"I object"

The chilling voice rang through the audience and the murmuring immediately stopped as everyone tried to locate the person who tried to ruin the wedding. I looked up and saw him standing in the back, grinning as he raised his gun. 

"Do you have a legal cause for why this couple should not be married?" the priest asked

He actually looked confused and mumbled "no"

"Then OVERRULED" the priest said and he continued the wedding.

I nudged Robin and gave him a look that said 'its that guy from my nightmares' and he gave me a look that said 'I already called security'

In the end, I got married to Robin and in a shocking turn of events the guy that had been haunting my nightmare for a while was finally caught by the police.

We did live happily ever after...



Hey guys, I know this is kind of a crappy ending and if anyone is confused the scene where June is drugged when she goes to a club in Singapore and she tells Robin what happened to her when she was little involving her getting kidnapped by some guy. The guy who kidnapped her when she was little and the guy who objected are the same guy. The guy doesn't have a name but he's a drug lord, and back when June was little, her dad did drugs and was involved with some bad people. 

I'm thinking of writing a second book that talks about their married life but I will write it only if you guys show enough interest. Thanks for reading and supporting me during this journey!


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