Chapter 11: I love you

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June's POV

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room filled with bright lights, there were needles sticking out of arms with an IV drip bag attached to it. I looked around and saw Robin's head resting on my hospital bed

"R-robin?" I croaked out, my throat feeling dry

He lifted his head up and his eyes were filled with worry, concern, anger, love?

"June, you're awake! Thank goodness"

"Robin, what happened?" I asked, trying to probe my memory for the events leading up to this but came up with nothing

"You don't remember? Some guy at the club tried to drag you out and injected you with something. The doctor said you had barbiturate in your system, but that should have only made you unconscious for a couple of hours, they're running more tests now"

"What do you mean only a couple of hours? How long was I unconscious for?"

"You've been in a coma for 3 days June"

"C-coma?" I said feeling faint

"June sweetie, relax, you're going to be okay. I'll always be right here" he said sitting up on the hospital bed to wrap me in his arms

I feel safe like this...this gives me a sense of security

"I have the results of your lung biopsy, Ms. June" the nurse said holding a clipboard in her hand; "It appears you had scopolamine in your system, a powerful drug that can  cause amnesia and makes you incapable of physically controlling your own body. Apparently the combination of the drugs was too much for your body to handle and you went into a coma"

"She had scopolamine (also known as the Devil's breath) in her system?" he said sounding incredulous

"That's correct sir" the nurse said before leaving us alone

"Robin, whats wrong?" I said tugging at his arm

"June, scopolamine is a type of drug that bad people use to control people. It's easy to use because all one has to do is blow it into someone's face and that person will never know they are under the influence. Once that person is under control, than they can make that person do whatever they want and when they are finished, they'll have no memory of what they did. Why would someone use it on you?"

I tensed up at his words and tried not let fear show in my eyes. Could it be them? Could they be back? The thought alone was enough to make tears fall

"June? June? What's wrong? Where does it hurt? Do you want me to get the nurse?" he said frantically, his hands cupping my tear stained face

"N-no its fine *hiccup*"

"Then whats wrong?" he asked, concern etched in his face

"I-its just that, you remember that time you brought me home because I was drunk and you woke me up because I was having a nightmare?"

"Yes I remember"

"Well that nightmare was caused by an event that happened when I was 12. I was walking home and before I opened the front door, I heard this guy's voice, one that I didn't recognize and he was threatening my dad, saying if he didn't pay on time then he would go after me, his daughter. After I heard that, I was so scared I accidentally dropped the bag of groceries I was holding and when the door opened, he was standing there with this evil grin on his face. I looked inside the house and saw that my father was all beaten up"  

"Do you know this guy's name?"

"I don't. I tried running away but the guy caught up with me easily and he blindfolded and stuffed me into the car trunk. I don't know how long I was in there but when the trunk opened, he dragged me to a warehouse in the forest. H-he tied me to a chair and took out a knife, telling me if I escaped he would slit my throat. I begged him to let me go, but he just laughed. This guy starved me for days and when he finally released me, he told me that he would be back, and he would do even worse things..." I said sobbing as I remember the painful memory

"June...I'm sorry something like this happened to you... don't worry I'll find this guy and make sure he never threatens you again" he said wiping my tears away. 

"R-robin I have to tell you something else..." I said looking nervous

"Anything" he said tilting my chin up, his other hand wrapping around my waist, pulling me to his chest

"I-I love you..." 

"June...I-I love you too" 

The kiss this time was even more tender and filled with a sense of urgency that we might lose one another


Robin's POV

Who knew I would fall in love with this innocent girl with such a childlike mindset? She really was something to be treasured. She wasn't like those other girls who liked to dress up to show off their bodies, she wasn't hiding between a mask of makeup and fake words. She was genuine.

"Robin, when can I go home?" she asked tugging at my shirt to get my attention

"The nurse one more week before you can be discharged, they need to run some more tests" I replied, kissing her on the forehead

"But staying in a hospital is so boring...can't I recover at home?" she said with a pout on her face

"Here at the hospital, the doctors and nurses will be around to help you recover faster, plus I'll always be right by your side"

"You promise you won't leave?" she said, holding out her pinky, "pinky promise?"

"I won't leave unless I have to use the bathroom or get food, but I pinky promise" I said hooking my pinky around hers.

Throughout the day, I kept June entertained by watching movies with her on my laptop. We started watching Big Hero 6 and when we got to the part where Baymax had to be left behind, June started crying up a ocean...Jeez women can be so emotional sometimes.

After watching about 5 more movies, June was getting tired, so I pulled the covers up and kissed her on the forehead

"Robin, will you sleep next to me?" she asked, her voice full of tiredness

"Of course June" I climbed into bed with her and wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close

"I love you Robin" she said, her eyes slowly closing

"I love you too June" 

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