Chapter 16: Binding

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Robin's POV

Its been a year since June and I started dating, for once I felt like everything in my life was going well. I had a girlfriend that loved me and my company was successful, raking in millions every year.

"Robin? Robin? Could you get me a glass of water?" June's voice rang out bringing me out of my thoughts

"Sure thing"

I poured some water into her mug and brought it into her room.

"You okay?" I asked placing the mug in her hand

"No, I think I caught something. I have headaches and I feel like throwing up constantly" she moaned

"Let me go check your temperature" I said grabbing a thermometer

I inserted the thermometer in her mouth and when I read the temperature, I freaked out

"June, your temperature is 102!"

"Robin, calm down" June laughed, "I'll be fine, I just need some medicine"

"Maybe I should take you to a hospital" I said pacing around her bedroom

"Robin calm your tits, I'm fine" June scolded, "Now sit"

"Okay okay" I said, sitting next to her on the bed

"Let me know if you need anything alright?" I said, "I need to get to work"

"Go, I'll be fine" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Okay, I'll call you later"


I returned home from work to find the house surrounded in complete darkness, I ran to the door and quickly unlocked it.

"June? June? Are you okay?"

"Robin, I'm in here!"

I ran in the direction of her voice and pushed open the bedroom door

"June? Why is the house dark?"

"Because I had a headache and I wanted it to be dark" she said nonchalantly, as if she didn't just give me a heart attack

"I thought someone broke in and kidnapped you" I said holding her close

"Robin I'm fine okay, I'm feeling better thanks to the medication" she said, her voice muffled 


After another day in bed, her fever had gone down and she was feeling better. A routine fell in place of us going to work together, then coming back and then June would cook dinner or we would order takeout. It was like any other relationship...but I wanted to go further

My mind unfortunately was going haywire...I wanted to propose to her...but would it be too soon?

I decided to start planning how I would propose, I would subtly ask June what her favorite color or favorite flower were. Whenever we went out shopping, I paid attention to what kind of designs and styles she liked and what she was attracted to. My god, I felt like a detective, knowing mostly everything about her. 

Finally after about 3 weeks of planning, I had the perfect proposal. I took her out to dinner at the Italian restaurant I knew she liked, when dessert was served, I got up from my seat and started playing the piano. I glanced over at her and she was looking confused but happy. Halfway through the song, another person stood up and started playing the violin. Slowly other people stood up and played their instruments filling the restaurant with a beautiful melody. By now she had tears in her eyes. Then a couple of people of entered the building and started singing 'A Thousand Years', as they were finishing the song, I walked over and got down on one knee, pulling out the box that contained the diamond ring.

"June, this past year with you has been simply amazing. You're beautiful, caring, passionate, driven and so much more. I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and I can't live without you. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

She looked at me with big brown eyes filled with tender love and said the words that I've been waiting to hear for a very long time.



AHH FINALLY HE PROPOSES!!! What do you guys think? If you guys have any ideas for a wedding theme, please leave it in the comments and I'll pick my favorite one and dedicate the chapter to you. Thanks for reading!  <3


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