chapter 3

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" The hells wrong with you ? You nearly kill me during practice then you get a attitude and storm off, don't walk away from me , im talking to you !" Bunny yelled at jack as the immortal teen kept walking away from him.

" What dont you understand ? 1: Nothing, 2: it was an AC-CI-DENT get that through your skull, 3 : I dont have an atitde problem. Why is it so hard to just leave me alone ?! you and everbody else did it for more that 318 years , it can't be that hard to just do it again ! " jack spat turing around and facing the 6'1 pooka, he knew his words had cut deep and for a second he wished they had cut deeper.

"Þú dont skilja neitt um mig svo dont fara í kring preachig whats rangt og hvað rétt whe þú látið mig í yfir 300 ár! "

( English traslate : You dont understand a thing about me so dont go around preachig whats wrong and whats right whe you left me for over 300 years !!! ) Jack spat in rage so quickly hat bunny almost missed the icelandic insult from the immortal teen. By now bunny oticed the tears startig to gliste i the child's eyes and once jack caught him looking the boy turned his back on the older gaurdien and flew off out of the workshop window leaving a confused gaurdien and hurt pooka.


Jack landed in the artic hole pich had threw him in only miuites later , he hated doing that, but he knew some of that anger and emotional pain was not only for show. When he had almost killed bunny with a blast of ice during training he had almost lost control and the worst part was... it had nothig to do with jokul, and that scared him more tha loosing believers... Why did that stupid rabbit have to be so persistet !!! How come he couldn't understand that jack was trying to protect him ?! ARGH !!! It was soo frustrating that it made his head throb with pain... or was that just the insanity making its self known his body ?...

this can all stop.... just give in to me and i'll make them go away for ever...

There it was again, the voices of the fearlings echoing sweet nothings inside his head, driving him deper over the edge of insanity. " The pain would stop ?..." Jack whispered to him self , half empty hope fillig his voice.

yesssss.....iiiitttt would...

For a second there was hope... but jack would ever do that to the gaurdiens or himself... " Empty promises and lies. I'd never willingly give in to you." Jack said running a hand through his unruly white hair. Apparently they dd not take well to this because they begain to scream at a pitch that would deafen bunny, Jack clutched his ears ad screamed in pain, Tears streaming down his face as he the darkness of uncociousess consumed him at the bottom of the ice-made crevas.

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