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They made it back to the others shortly after, but still the images of  Rapunzel's slaughter clung to jack's slowly decaying mind, breaking down his sanity a little more than the last. The whole way there he couldn't take his eyes off of her and she couldn't even look at him, he didn't know if it was because of the shame or because she knew what he saw. Arensetis had questioned her about the blood on her female spartan uniform, but she wrote it off as the remains of the knight that had suddenly combusted when the witch left. As for thw knight who had witnessed it with jack,he was taking the matter better than he had when he was backed into the corner, which gave jack the inpresssion he ws planning something dangerous.

"Mate you alright ?" Bunny asked nudging the younger gaurdien at of his scattered and highly dazed thoughts. The immortal teen didn't even flinch and when Bunny prodded him with an elbow to the side gentaly it was like a screw snapped loose. The look he gave bunny made the pooka both shut up and flinch away from the boy, Bunny had taken on creatures far worse than this 5'6 teen but something in his eyes reminded him eeily of the spirit hunter which struck fear into the pooka. He obviously noticed his actions or something snapped because just as swiftly as the glaring look had appeared the boy stood , surprising several others,  then walked a little ways off and sat on a cart buring his face in his hands as he rested his elbows on his legs, going deep in thought.

"Oi, Edmund, twas all  that about ?" Came a strong femine voice calling him by his first name surprising the pooka.Bunny turned around to see sevetlana in all her viking glory. She and bunny had been friends since before bunny's clan had been lost and she was like a mate to him, She smiled twirled her dubble sided battle ax effortlessly, a habbit bunny had come to love. "What arya talk'n bout ?" Bunny said but he wasn't let off that easily, instead the warrior brung her ax down a few centameters from bunny's foot and leaned on it "Don't play stupid with me rabbit. I'm talking about the boy , what's wrong with em' ?" and for the first time since the aniahlation of his kind and easter sunday he confided in his friend ( if he could even call her that  ) again. "We faced manyah monsters togetha and nota one ever made me squirm under the gaze nor wanna call home and draw mi wepon, but the look he just gave me made me want to do all those things and mor' . "

The girl eyed him closly then looked at the immortal teen with susoicion, " If you don't feel comfortable with em' come stay at my tent to night. Something rubbs me wrong about him and i intend to find out what." She said uprooting her ax and pointing it at bunny, The pooks stared at her for a moment before nodding his head , it was hard to get her to change her mind once it was made up and bunny knew from fact that her senses was never wrong, if she was picking up something on jack then there wa definatly something the immortal teen was hiding and bunny planned on finding out what.


ARGH !!!! He was such an idiot !!! Jack should have kept a tighter rayne on Jokul ! how could he have let that demonless demon on the edge ?! Was he realy that close to letting his sanity slip ?...

Suddenly out of nowhere a massive blow to the jaw sent jack sprawling on the dust covered ground. He looked up only to see Melechiel a brutish scott with an eye patch hovering over him breathing angerly. Jack got to his feet and spitt out the blood salting his mouth. " I hear your the one that killed my brother , That true ?" He asked spitting as his twin came up , looking just as angerly as Melechiel. " And if i did ?" Jack spat as a crowd began to grow, The man took this as an offence a sent a punch toward jack's face but before he could do it animal growling sounded, and in a flash the man was knocked to the side, jack already knew what to expect so he prepared for the worse.

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