Chapter 2- Where are we?

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Yay, I updated! Sorry, this chapter is quite short but I hope you like it. P.S Thoughts are in ' ' and speech in " ". Just thought you should know that- if you didn't already.

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I awoke to find myself buried in the shoulder of a soft, red clothed person. As I rubbed my eyes, I found myself staring into honey coloured ones. Ginger hair flopped messily over their forehead. Then I snapped and remembered what had happened.

"Hey, you're awake-" Italy started.

"NO!" I screamed, as his glassy eyes turned misty and hurt. "Don't you dare! You kidnapped me! HOW FRICKING DARE YOU?!" I screamed. By the end of my mini rant, Italy's eyes pricked with tears, sliding down his pink cheeks.

"D-Doitsu made me. I felt so bad for knocking you out. But y-you know too much... Sorry.. “He replied, his voice softer and cracking.

“Can you just explain what you want from me?" I remorsed.

"It’s hard to explain. Doitsu will be here in a second. Be prepared."

Then he skipped off to find "Doitsu". I sighed and tried to drift back off to sleep. As I turned my head, I saw a window. A suspicious, square looking window. I could see the sky from the window, the clouds tinged pink and orange; a yellow light seeping through the gaps between. Wait... What? I AM ON A FRICKING PLANE! Screaming my arse off, Germany came rushing to me and covering my mouth with a gloved hand. It tasted of leather- basically disgusting.

 "Shh!" He mumbled. "Now I need to ask you some questions."

I nodded obediently. I was in a plane and there was no means of escape, so I should just play along. "What is your name?" Germany questioned, paper and pen on the table opposite me. I glared at him.

"How did you know Italy and I's names?" he boomed, thumping a hand on the table so the pen sprung up.

 "I... am your long lost daughter."  Germany raised an eyebrow in disbelief, his lips pursed in a thin line. Sighing, he stood up and faced me. Staring his cold blue eyes into mine, he grabbed my face.

Holding my jaw he spat, "What's the real reason?" I tried to pull away from his grasp but it was no use.

"A-anime..." I replied, shaking.

 Germany released his grip and dusted his glove. "Italy!" he shouted.

The nimble ginger sprinted to him, carrying a small box. Placing it near me, he gestured to open it, his caramel eyes worried. I lifted the lid off the box and was confronted by a lovely smell. Inside was a large container filled with yellow Mexican rice, peppers, chicken pieces, peas and salsa sauce.

"Thank you!" I said, a smile tugging at my lips. I had been kidnapped, the least they could do was feed me well.

"Eat quickly. We need you to come with us to the meeting on Monday." Germany urged. 'Meeting? I get to go to world meeting? Awesome! I could meet my favourite characters...'

"Hello?" the blond waved a hand over my face, interrupting my trail of thought.

"Yea?" I responded, biting into some chicken buried under some grains of rice.

"Please hurry!", and with that, he walked down the aisle to talk to the pilot or something. I sighed and started to shovel my food down my throat. I had not eaten before going shopping on that day until now... What was the date today anyway? I had so much to ask my kidnapper, and I was surprising even myself, how calm I was being in this situation. Finishing my rice, I peered out the window. The sky was pitch black and I felt like I'd spent my whole day on this goddamned plane. Then as far as my terrible eyesight could see; I saw some land beneath us. 'Finally, we are here- where are we anyways?’

"We will be arriving soon," someone said. It was a tall woman wearing blue uniform and black heels. She had brown hair, cut neatly into a bob.

"Ok. Thanks." I said, and she walked off. I sighed deeply.

"Hey, get your coat on. We are landing in Washington DC soon." Germany grumbled, chucking me my black jacket. I put it on quickly and we landed soon after. Next we arrived at airport security and baggage claim. Not that I had any baggage. Or so I thought.

"Here, we bought you some clothes," Germany said, handing me a small, silver suitcase that came off the conveyor belt. It was labelled "Marie Beilschmidt." I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"For the time being, you will be disguised as my younger sister, Marie. You are 17. Born on the 7th March ok? Remember that much until we get to the meeting, in case we run into any security guards." he informed me while I tried to process the heaps in information in my brain. 'Marie Beilschmidt, 17, 7th March... Hmm seems easy enough I guess.'  Daydreaming mindlessly, I thought to myself - where was Italy?

"Germany- where is Italy?" I questioned out of interest.

He hesitated, and then replied, "He will see us at the meeting. I will show you to the hotel you'll be staying in though." Ah... Makes perfect sense- not.

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