Chapter 6- Darkness

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I was in awe. I was to lead them to world peace? AND I WAS A COUNTRY? This was madness! The meeting ended and I thought back to my flashback. I never knew how my mother had died. But I thought I would die... A bullet was in my chest after all.

"You okay Ad?" Prussia questioned, as the limousine came to an abrupt halt.

I nodded as we stepped out of the limousine. Walking into the hotel; I could not wait to leave it.

"Adeline, what are you thinking?" Prussia worriedly asked, slowing down his pace of walking.

'This guy just won't give up.' I thought to myself.

"If I am a country... It would explain how I survived being shot in the chest." I stated candidly.

Prussia's eyes widened as we entered our room.

"Vell it's definitely not human." he mumbled.

After a short moment of silence, Prussia announced in his usual boisterous way,

"Zhe Awesome Me is going to shover."

When he had left, I heard a loud knock on the other side of our door. I opened it lazily swinging in open, to have a gun pressed to my temple. The figure was masked and strangely enough all the lights in the hallway were turned off. Also, puffs of black were spreading everywhere.

"Make a sound and I will kill you." they threatened in a raspy voice.

My kidnapper placed a hand on my upper back and pushed me forcefully so I almost tripped over the carpet. We passed reception and my eyes made out the receptionist sleeping on the desk. 'Ah... So the black puffs put you to sleep.' With that, my eyes drooped and everything went dark.


"Adeline this is Ms Black. She would like to adopt you sweetie," my bitch of a carer told me, squeezing out the words like they were sweeter than icing.  I looked up to see a woman with short ginger hair and freckles. She wore a long grey skirt and a pink blouse.

"Hello there. How are you?" Ms Black cooed.

"Fine." I grumbled, hands crossed over my chest. I just wanted to be alone, after all everyone had left me.

My carer, Zoey glared at me with piercing eyes. "Be nice." she hissed irritatingly. I sighed deeply in frustration and played house with Ms Black.

"So you are Mummy then?" I asked innocently, eyes wide enough to pop out of their sockets.

"Yes and you are the Daddy," Ms Black replied holding a motherly figurine in the centre of her palm.

"No I meant will you be my Mummy in real life?" I pondered, arms swinging. A long smile was pulled across Ms. Black's face.

"Yes, and call me Amanda" she laughed, embracing me. I hugged back. From that moment onward, I wouldn't let go.

*End of Flashback*

I woke up in a dark van... I think.

"Hello?" I shouted to nobody in particular.

A voice from next door shouted back "Shut up!"

Frowning, I thought deeply as to what my situation was. I chuckled. I had been kidnapped from my kidnappers. Then I remembered my mobile phone was in my pocket. Fumbling for it in my jeans, I dialled Prussia's number. 'Dammit, no service!' I banged on the doors of the van and one creaked open. Stepping out, I found myself in a forest. A very familiar forest. In front of it stood a huge house with three floors and a garden with a frog pond. My old house. As a wave of nostalgia passed me, I blacked out and felt a bump on the side of my skull.

Prussia's POV

So I came out of the shower. Adeline had disappeared. Probably discussing stuff with Hungary or England. Awesome. But not as awesome as me. I was hungry so I went to the mini fridge and made Pot Noodles. It was sickening. Twenty minutes later, I sat down to watch a movie. When it finished, the awesome me was wet on the face... Probably just someone cutting onions next door. Adeline still hadn't come back. Time to find Hungary... I went to her room. Well I had tried to but all the lights had turned off. My mobile was buzzing, irritating enough, it was playing The Pasta Song by John Riggio.  It was from...Italy?

"Ja?" I asked.

"D-doitsu went out to a check something and n-now all the lights are a off!!! I-Its a so scaryyyy!" Italy squealed. I could imagining tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Calm down. Vest vill be back soon. Have you seen Adeline by any chance?"

"N-no... Is she a ok?", the phone shook, almost trembling with him.

I sighed.

"Nein. I don't know vhere she has gone."

"M-maybe she's a been kidnapped!!" Italy screamed in horror. I cut off the call. His screaming was most unawesome.

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