Chapter 19- Time

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Happy Mother's Day! (Even though it's nearly over!) Did you remember to set your clocks forward? :P

Flying Mint Bunny: Hetalia doesn't belong to DeeDeeMist, but to Hidekaz Himaruya

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Continuation of Italy's dream

We were all very afraid at this point. The mansion had locked us in and there were rumours of a large alien beast that would kill us all.

-------------TIME SKIP-------------

I reached for my journal which was tucked into my pocket. I began to write down the events that had occurred that day, tears rolling down my pink cheeks.

They're dead. They're all dead. I watched my brother France die in my arms, after the beast had mauled him. I watched Russia and China fight it as I stood there waving a white flag, useless as ever. I watched England and America get killed mercilessly, their throats being ripped apart and organs burst. I watched Prussia defend Doitsu... Doitsu, he was dead too. And Japan. And poor Romano- my fratello. And it's ALL my fault. The only one alive in a mansion filled with dead bodies. I JUST WANT TO DIE.

I began to call to the monster; my friends didn't deserve to die. If only there were a way I could correct my mistakes.


The monster grins evilly, with one turn of my journal's page, I am back in time. Back when everyone was happy and alive. But it's no use. They just die again and again. And I watch them; every single time.

Back to Italy's POV

Dreams have meanings, right?

Yes they do.

'Who are you?'

That doesn't matter. What matters is that you have been putting your friends in danger. HetaOni is real. If you don't act now, they will die.

'H-How do you know?'

I don't. But your subconscious does.

'So what do you want me to do?'

Prussia's POV


Two very familiar people entered the room at that point, Francis and Antonio, my best friends. Immediately I embraced them both whilst Elizaveta sat up in her bed, rolling her eyes. Francis walked up to her bedside and handed her a bouquet of roses. She smiled cutely, and thanked him. Out of the blue, Francis gripped her cheeks and poked them repeatedly.

"In my country, we call this le visage de squishy!" he chuckled.

Eliza slapped him on the arm as he teased her about how cute she was. I just couldn't help laughing about the whole thing.

"How are you chica?" Antonio asked her, sitting on the chair beside her.

"I'm ok now, but I'm still getting random headaches." Eliza replied, sighing and holding her palm to the centre of her temple.

Handing her a glass of water, Francis took something out of his cloak pocket (I didn't even know he had a pocket there!).

"Here you are mon ami, look after it well," the frenchman whispered, handing me something and shoving it into my jeans pockets.

Curious, I sneaked my hand into my pocket in an attempt to look at it but instinctively, Francis swatted it away giving me the 'not now' look. I just glared at him whilst hearing Antonio and Eliza talk about churros.

"Sorry you need to leave, all of you." an all too familiar voice sneered.

Adeline's POV

My bruises stung. My head panged. I never knew it was possible to be alive and feel this much pain at the same time. My skin was purple and swollen, my face felt numb and I could barely feel my hands. Was I really a country? Open wounds, gloopy scarlet blood and large cuts were all over my body, my hands and feet chained more securely than before. I didn't have the strength to break them; not this time.

"So sweetheart, care to tell us why you decided to run from us?" the taller guy cooed.

I just held my head down heavy, greasy hair falling over my eyes to seem like I was asleep. I heard footsteps approach me, before a whip cracked. A surge of pain vibrated through my body as it slammed into my cheek, my mouth struggling not to shriek or scream.

"Are you going to tell me the truth or do I have to force it out of you, stupid brat?" the man yelled, I could hear him spraying spit everywhere as his tone dramatically changed.

'Bipolar much...'

Before I could reply, I listened as someone entered the room, their voice sickly sweet - suspiciously familiar.

"I'll take it from here, poppet."

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