Chapter 10- Help

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No guesses for who the puppet is? Ok, it's your loss. SOWWY for a super short chappy, but at least I updated, right? P.S If you get confused on the last few sentences... I apologise :(

Hungary: *frying pan in hand* Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya not to me...


Prussia's POV

I remembered a conversation I had with West on the day he kidnapped Adeline.

"Vhat if she escapes?" I had asked curiously.

"Her phone, I put a tracking chip in it. Vhether or not there is a signal or service, you can call it and use the Tracker app to detect a location.” West had stated bluntly.

“… She von’t try anything, I hope” I had muttered, smirking a little bit.

Back to present day, I took out my mobile and clicked the Tracker app I had installed onto it that day, as West had instructed me too. Thinking of my brother, I had been wondering where he had disappeared to, when he was the only person who could help us find Adeline.

“Gil? Have you got a plan, then?” Elizaveta interrupted my operation of the app.

“Yes, this app. It tracks her movements. I will use it and find out where she has been taken.”


I sighed loudly in defeat when the message on the screen read the following words. “Tracking device has been removed. Please reattach it to enable tracking.” Elizaveta just stood there thinking, a hand resting on her chin. I wondered what she was pondering about. She held her finger up ecstatically to the ceiling.

“Where is the one place that would hurt Adeline to go to the most?”

I embraced her immediately.

“Yes, that is genius! Of course. Come on, we had better get going.” I replied, releasing her and grabbing my leather jacket.

We entered my Ferrari (yes, I am that awesome), and I headed out to find it. Crystalline Meadows Forest, Adeline’s old home. West had told me a great deal about the place, when he had captured her on the first night, and being the kind of creepy stalker he is, did some initial research. To him, everything added up, her mysterious past, no parents and her surviving a bullet to the chest. In his opinion, she was obviously destined for greatness. But I saw that one picture on her Wiki profile, of her when she was around 4 or 5, and thought that she should not be forced. It didn’t really seem fair that she be told all this at once, it would cause her mind to be blown, and not in a pleasant way. All in all, I suppose I felt sorry for the girl.

“Gilbert, I am sorry to delay us finding Adeline, with me passing out and everything.” Elizaveta spoke suddenly, her head hanging low and long, chocolate strands of hair shielding her bright emerald eyes.

“You could not help it, you were in a state of shock, liebe.” I reply, horning angrily as some SUV pulls over into my lane without indicating. ‘Damn Americans.’

“I want to find her, it’s just I did some research on my phone and the place is absolutely massive. Did she ever mention her old home in America with her parents… before…?” I shook my head and Eliza continued, “It is a huge mansion with a barbed wire fence that surrounds it on all sides except the garden, which leads into an expansive forest of over 54,000 acres. The only problem is that they could be holding her hostage anywhere, and it will take forever to find her in the forest.” Eliza finished, sighing and placing her phone in her lap. “Even if we do get there, how would we enter a mansion surrounded by barbed wire and locked gates?”

My face lit up as I passed a small service station that held a large sign of the McDonald’s logo.

“Of course! America!” I yelled out to nobody in particular. Hungary just laughed and pulled out her phone to call the hamburger eating fool.

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