Chapter 3- Socialising

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Having fallen into a deep sleep, I awoke on a huge coach, my head shoved on my suitcase. The coach smelt sweet and the only people onto it were Germany, I and the driver. It seemed pointless, having so many empty seats. Looking outside, I saw a bright, dawn sky, pinkie-yellow with fluffy white clouds and slight mist. Weird. Even weirder, we were driving on the right side of the road. America... Grr. The trees blurred as I looked through the smudged glass. Outside were huge houses with massive front gardens, freshly trimmed lawns and bin bags by the pavements.

"Enjoying the scenery?" Germany quizzed, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Mmhm," I mumbled. He told me we were getting close to the hotel and that I should wake up a little. Stretching, I dusted down my suitcase and tried to recite my fake profile. 'Ma- Mary? Marie Beilschmidt or something. 17 years old- because that was my age too. Lastly... 7-7th May- March?? Meh.' The coach came to a halt abruptly. Germany stood up and pulled his suitcase from the overhead storage. Dragging it outside, I followed, trailing my suitcase behind me. Luckily, American weather was better than British weather, so it was fairly warm and dry. Opposite the road was a tall hotel with neon lights. It looked crappy on the outside but posh inside. Germany showed me to my room and left me there. I was surprised he could trust me not to run away. Then again, there were cameras everywhere. I decided to treat myself with a bubble bath. Filling the tub up with water, I sank inside, drifting into pure heaven. Ahhhh... It was warm and soft. I heard the click of a door. 'Meh probably nothing.' I closed the door. Then it was flung open by none other than a certain white haired albino.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed. Prussia, my crush in the anime turned a deep shade of pink as I screamed.

"Vhat are you doing in zhe awesome Prussia's room?" he questioned me still sitting in the bubble bath, covering everything.

"This is my room... They gave me a key." I angrily muttered, blushing darkly. Prussia started laughing. I shot him a 'get out' glance and he did. Getting out the tub, I wrapped a towel around my head and my body. Prussia was outside the bathroom, probably still laughing.

"This is MY room... Now go away!" he declared, as soon as I left the bathroom,  pointing a finger into the sky.

"Er... No" I replied annoyed. Prussia's red eyes turned malicious and then soft. He left the room. 'Weird... But cute still', I pondered, my comment making my cheeks heat up again. I got dressed into a casual top with a slogan written across it, and some denim jeans. Ten minutes had passed now, and I opened the door to find Prussia standing there, motionless.

"Hello?" I questioned, waving my hand over his eyes.

" more rooms," he stuttered, "Please... Can I... Stay...your room?" I blushed at his question.

"Er.................." I answered. "Couch then." I gave in. Prussia glomped me and pranced into my room, dumping his bags on the couch. I cleared my throat purposely.

"Tidy please," I gestured to the bags.

"Zhe awesome me does not need to be tidy." he replied and starting throwing clothes everywhere from inside his bag. Ok who I am I kidding? Prussia is just a nuisance... "STOP!" I yelled. He did, looking down at me pouting.

"I just wanted to have some fun... Sheeesh. Who are you anyway?"

I tapped a finger to my nose and picked his clothes up off the carpet. "My human disguise name is Marie Beilschmidt or somethin-"

"Nein." Prussia rudely interrupted. "Maaarie Beilllllschmidttt- ok?" I groaned as he pronounced my name properly in a German accent. I repeated and he clapped and glomped me yet again.

"Get off!!" I growled, swatting his arms away.  He's a nuisance... He's a nuisance... He's a-

"Hello?" Prussia spoke; waving his arms frantically in front of a day dreaming me. I blinked a few times and gave him a look of assurance.

"So I'm going to take a shower. You said there is no lock on the bathroom door- right?", I nodded, "So don't intrude to get a sneak peek of zhe awesome me's five metres ok?" Prussia teased as I blushed fiercely.

"Are you feeling ok?" he anxiously asked me, putting a hand to my head. Again, I went red. Reaching for his towel, Prussia strolled into the bathroom and shut the door. I cooled down and decided to find out where the other countries would be. I took the credit card shaped key in my hand and swiped it to turn off the lights. Opening the door, I left the room with the key still in my pocket. The corridors were carpeted with red and gold swirling patterns and chandeliers lit up the ceiling. ‘First to find England.' I was just so intrigued about his eyebrows. Knocking on a random door, a tall man with white blond hair opened it. He had dark violet eyes and donned a large beige coat and a pink scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Become one with Russia, da?" Russia whispered, tucking a sunflower behind my ear. A little creepy so I moved on. Reaching another door I knocked. 'Come on... Britain, America- someone!!' A tall man with his hair tied in a long black ponytail answered.

 "What do you want, aru?" he asked, a hand leaning on the door frame. 'Ah, China. He is a funny one...' "Do you like Hello Kitty?" I asked, hoping to bribe him.

"Yes! Yes!" he yelled, jumping up and down like a child.

"Then tell me where England is." I finished, smirking evil with a hand on my hip.

"He's in that room", China said, pointing to a room opposite the elevator.

"Ok. Now byeeeee!" I hastily said, shutting the door in his face. I knocked on England's door. Behind it was a tall, cute blond man with thick eyebrows and grassy green eyes.

"England!" I yelled, glomping him. He pushed me away, blushing slightly.

"Who are you?" he asked, confused.

"Just a friend of Germany's", I lied, smoothly, well I knew Germany so we might as well be friends.

"Nice to know he has friends," he choked, in disbelief.

"I'm just one of the lucky few..." I remarked, giggling a little. England then attempted to shut the door but I placed my foot in the way.

"I need your help. Can I trust you?" I questioned, seriously. England furrowed his brows.

"What do you need help with?"

"Well I was just wondering how you put up so well with the chaos of the world meetings", I lied, breaking into fits of laughter. 'France and England were ALWAYS fighting.' He raised an eyebrow, with his arms crossed over his chest.

“What do you really want?”

"Err well I don't want you to tell the others my name- especially Germany. After all, I am a British citizen… Pretty please?"

"Fine." England gave in as I laughed.

"Thanks Iggy!" I cheered, waving.

"You git..." he fumed. I pranced down the hall back to my door. Searching for my key in my pocket, I held it in my hand and opened the door.

"Prussia?" I called. No answer. Then I heard water running. 'Oh yeah he was talking a shower.' I looked to the bedroom, which was a huge double bed, blue sheets placed over a thick white duvet, covering two fluffy pillows. All mine... I jumped onto the bed and lay down. I hadn't really realised how tired I was until my eyes drooped.

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