Chapter 25- Run

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Yay last chapter, I hope you like it! The sequel is going to be called Hide. There may be a wait until I upload it... Sorry! :(

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Germany: Danke. *sips beer*
Italy: Grazie~ *nomming on pasta*
Prussia: Danke... you're awesome! (like me)
Gilbird: Piyo tweet piyo~

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Adeline's POV

I spun around to see a man who I had despised my whole life. The same brown hair was now streaked with grey, hazel eyes looked lost and wrinkles carved his skin. Even if this was a dream, it was more of a nightmare to me.

"Dad," I stated, my voice void of emotion.

I was hardly expecting what he said next.

"I am dead."

My eyes widened in horror and I felt like I should beg for his forgiveness. Forgiveness for how I had shunned him, ever since he had left. But then again, he was the one who left us. He caused this. Karma never fails.

"You're lying." I replied, secretly hoping he was.

Dad shook his head.

"I died of a heart attack a few years ago. But the real reason I'm here is to warn you about something."

"And what might that be?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"I believe you met your mother recently. And now you are meeting me. I guess common sense implies that this is unusual, considering we are dead. This is because you are close to death, my dear."

"WHAT?! How?!" I yelled, not understanding.

"When humans are close to death they travel through something called the Void. The first stage is meeting someone you love who is deceased. This is in a white room to represent heaven. The second stage is now. You meet me, someone you despise. This is in a black room to represent hell. The last stage is your death."

"So I'm going to die, no matter what?"

"Not necessarily, you can redeem yourself by getting out of the near death situation. After all, fate isn't carved in stone."

"But I've been kidnapped!"

"I have faith in you Ad. Anyways, I have to explain why I left all those years ago."

I sighed deeply.

"Don't even bother." I grumbled.

"Sweetheart just hear me out. I left to save you... I didn't know about that threatening letter that you received. I regret it, I really do."

"That's hardly a reason."

"They threatened to kill you and your mother, if I didn't participate in their evil schemes. They told me they wouldn't hurt anyone. And then they killed your mother when they discovered she was a country. They sent the letter to scare you and make you hate me even more as I was addressed to in the letter."

"Are you serious Dad?"

"Yes. And what's worse is that they told me both of you died in a car crash. I was informed that your bodies were never found so I couldn't visit your graves. From then onward I blamed myself for your deaths and lived a life of seclusion."

My eyes filled with tears as I heard these words. I felt terrible. All this time I had hated him, but it was Dad who should hate me. Hate me for never loving him or trying to contact him. Immediately, I ran to my father and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry!" I sobbed into the crook of his shoulder.

Dad smiled and ruffled my hair. Then he pulled away and his face turned more serious.

"Don't you dare die on me Ad."

The exit appeared out of nowhere and I walked towards it.

"I won't." I replied, waving to my father as I left through the exit.


I awoke to see Oliver with a long, thin whip in his hand. I felt pain resound through my limbs as I observed the many fresh cuts that were etched in my skin. My arms dripped with scarlet blood which lay in drops on the ground below me.

"You're awake then." Oliver pointed out.

"Yes and I'm planning to stay awake." I retorted.

"Good. I've decided to let you out of your chains. On the conditions that you be my personal slave." Oliver instructed, smirking.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed. 'I promised Dad I wouldn't die, and this is the initial step to that. I suppose I'll have to do what he says.'

"That means you have to obey me no matter what. You have to wake up at four to start your work and finish at around one in the morning. Allen (2P America) and Jasper (2P Canada) will tell you what you need to do and make sure you stay in line. And if you think about running away, here's what the grounds look like..." Oliver stated, handing me a map of the grounds.
The map showed a building surrounded by barbed wire on each side which were labelled as ten metres high. Behind the wire was forest and there were guards on each side of the wire, inside and outside. There was a locked gate in the midst of the wire which was also heavily guarded.

"The wire will eletrocute anyone who touches the fence so you can't climb it. Additionally, the guards have my orders to shoot anyone who comes within a metre of the fence. Is that clear Adeline?" Oliver spoke, ever so patronising .

All I could do was nod.

America's POV

It was obvious. The 2Ps were back. An immense oak tree towered over us, its splintering sides snapped off. An all-too-familiar white flag rested before it, drenched in dark, dried up blood.

One word however had been prominently carved into the tree.

One word we couldn't escape from.

One word that induced fear.

One word that shook us.

One word.


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