3. Chapter - Landing

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Picture of Patrick Dale!

I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday as I said, but I didn't managed to finish the story as there was a situation that made me so pi**ed off I couldn't write afterwards. I had such a lovely day too! Then some stupid shi*face decided to ruin it for me when he stole my coat! I know you might think: It was just a coat; get over it!, but it were the circumstances that made me so furious! But it's a long story and I don't want to bother you with it now. Let's just say I will have to buy the coat again because it was my favorite and I really loved it - it was new too! Hopefully, there will still be at least one in my size and the color I want it in!

Anyway, the real fun starts soon, so I hope the updates will get better and faster in 1-2 chapters!

Now, for the chapter :)



Corey was suffocating. The fear he was feeling at the moment was so intense he thought he was going to pass out because of it. His naked body was floating in the never-ending nothingness surrounding him from every angle, the darkness around him engulfing his whole being. He felt like his soul was about to be devoured by some kind of invisible power that was watching him from afar, and his heartbeat started to beat even faster than before. He was sure he was going to have a heart attack in next few minutes because of how frightened he was, but the booming voice of some man startled him so much he jumped, just barely suppressing the scream that threatened to escape his lips.

Looking around, his heart still beating like crazy and his breathing fast and irregular, it took him a while to figure out where he was and what was happening. When it all finally clicked together and all the previous events came rushing to his still confused brain, he felt like he was about to pass out again. The only thing that, thankfully, helped him calm down a bit was the voice that woke him up from the terrible dream. The Captain was talking through the speakers, and his deep melodic voice was able to capture Corey's attention enough to make his brain stop thinking about unnecessary things and the scary nightmare he just had.

"...-interrupt you, but we are about to begin the landing process. You might feel the ship slightly shaking before we land but it is nothing to worry about. Yes, despite our technological advancement, we are still unable to find a way to enter different atmospheres without at least a little bit of a shaking." Corey suppressed the urge to snort. The Captain sounded so arrogant and haughty it was ridiculous. He had a feeling the alien wasn't too keen on socializing with humans when he saw him on the TV all those week ago, but he didn't really paid any attention to it as he had more important things to worry about. Now though, thinking about the guy's speech and expression back then, he was sure this particular man didn't see them as his equals, and it was making him even more nervous. Were all the aliens like him? Why was he the one who was taking them to their planet when he was acting like this? Other aliens on this ship looked nice and caring. They were all smiling and really accommodating which gave Corey at least a glimmer of hope that he will actually survive the stay on their planet, and maybe even enjoy it a bit.

"We are currently in a great position and Nezda'rah is clearly visible from all the windows. If you look down you will be able to see half of our planet where the Royal Court is located. As you can see, it is much higher and brighter place than all of the other places that are currently visible. Our planet is mostly covered by water and you could say our dry land is not even half as big as yours but thanks to our Architects, a lot of our people are able to live under water, so there is not a problem with overpopulation. The underwater complex is, unfortunately, not visible from this position, but I am sure you will get to visit it eventually, after all of you settle down and get to know your hosting families. As you probably already noticed, our planet has more than one Sun; you can currently see two of them, Dera and Ziorr. The third one, Rhast, shines only in the afternoon on each side of the planet; it's the smallest one and the shine itself is really dimmed, so, normally, no one really notices it," he quieted down so everyone could absorb all the information, but continued again after few seconds.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now