4. Chapter - I'm going to scream!

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Picture of Nist'ahra! Just imagine the markings on his face! (the picture belongs to LAS-T - https://las-t.deviantart.com/art/Uchiha-Itachi-456305184)

Aaand the new chapter is here! It took me longer than I expected but it's finally done! The real drama and action is starting next chapter! You could say this chapter is a prelude to the next one but it's still important as there are facts that are essential for the development of the story! So don't skip it!

Anyway, I hope you will like the chapter!



After an agonizing parting with his friends, full of tears and whining, Niel stood up and trudged his way towards Nist'ahra. He was petrified. The man gave him the creeps and he couldn't help but tremble with each step he made towards him. He was at least one foot bigger than Niel and his muscular body and tense posture, together with the hard expression on his face, was so intimidating, it made the small boy's eyes well up with tears. He bit his bottom lip, turning his gaze away, going to the farthest seat from the alien and sitting down. His head hung down and his shoulders started to shake ever so slightly from the quiet sobs he couldn't stop.

Corey was watching it with a frown on his face, awfully worried for his scaredy-cat friend. He couldn't imagine Niel dealing with the arrogant alien for one week, let alone a whole year. He could only hope the Captain was not the main person who was going to take care of him. Hopefully, he was living with his family, with his parents and at least two siblings, and Niel would be able to spend some time with someone less scary and friendlier. The poor thing was too fragile and shy to deal with someone like Nist'ahra, and Rey's imaginative mind was showing him so many scenes where something could go wrong he felt sick.

Corey's head snapped up when the Captain started to talk again, absolutely unfazed of Niel's behavior. The slight smirk playing on his lips and dilated pupils showed he was probably even pleased with his demeanor and that made Corey's blood boil. He would be damned before he let someone like that take his friend away. Thinking about his options, he was ready to raise his hand to ask the Captain a question, when Patrick went ahead of him and asked the exact same thing he was about to.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but is there a possibility to get a different family if we are not really comfortable with the current one? Does each of us get his own family or is there a possibility for two or more people to go to one family?" the boy asked, serious and unyielding expression on his face. Corey was not the only one who was scared for Niel. Patrick considered Niel his younger brother, and he didn't like seeing him like this, so vulnerable and frightened.

Nist'ahra looked at Patrick, his eyes widened a bit, the look on his face showing his surprise. He didn't expect anyone to talk to him like this, so daringly and without even a hint of fear. He was about to answer when he noticed where Patrick directed his gaze and an angry scowl appeared on his face. Few of the passengers in the first seats gasped, goggling their eyes at how much he looked like a demon with an expression like that.

His normally blank and cold, yet handsome, face was twisted in a way that even a demon would look like an angel compared to him. Corey was taken aback by this sudden change, his blood running cold in horror. The alien's eyes turned from its usual purple color to black, his face going paler than normal. It looked like his teeth elongated as well but it was only Rey's guess as he didn't see the teeth, just his mouth seemed unusually stuffed.

"No," the alien seethed, looking at Niel with a furious face, confirming Rey's suspicion about the teeth. His fangs were so long it looked unnatural, it had to have at least 2.5 inches, and the rest of his teeth were unusually sharp and pointed, elongated as well. It gave his already demon-like appearance shark-like look, frightening the rest of the people who weren't scared before.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now