11. Chapter - They're lying!

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The stranger that appears at the end of the chapter! (as always, picture belongs to LAS-T https://las-t.deviantart.com/art/Kairos-366548380)

The chapter is finally here! I'm so sorry it took such a long time to finish it. But I mentioned the reason in the latest chapter in News and Everyday Life book, so if someone didn't read it and wants to know, go and read it!

Anyway, I'm not going to keep you any longer. Go on and read!

I hope you will enjoy the chapter!


Corey was speechless for few minutes after getting out of the vehicle. The sight in front of him was so shocking and so different from what he's seen so far, he wasn't sure if he was on the same planet. The palace and everything around it looked so fantasy-like; it was like a fairy land. The city in front of him, though, was an exact opposite of it.

The whole place surrounded highly modern atmosphere, making Corey feel as if he was in a real sci-fi movie. It was the first time he realized just how advanced the aliens were. He couldn't imagine this being built on Earth anytime soon, if ever.

The houses were all in gray-white color, looking almost silver, some of them rounded, and some of them sharp as a peak of a mountain. It reminded Corey of the crystals the palace was made out of, but the material was different. These buildings were definitely built from something else. The surface was smooth, giving of a steely gleams, so he was sure it was some kind of a metallic material. It looked like there were two or three windows on each of the building as well. But he couldn't be sure without asking first. It could be just a simple decoration to make the buildings look more interesting; though, for the humans, they were more than interesting whether it was there or not.

The number of houses was so high Corey couldn't see how big the city really was. Azka'rah was definitely right when he talked about not straying from the group. He wouldn't be able to find his way back if he got lost. All of the buildings were really close to each other, creating narrow streets between them, and everything looked the same. There were even bridges in the air connecting the highest houses that were far away from each other. It all reminded Corey of one huge labyrinth. It didn't matter whether you were up or down, you would get lost either way. He couldn't imagine the aliens were able to say which house was whose, or how to get from one point to another. Rey wouldn't be able to live there as he would get lost each and every time he would go out. The city was just impossible to live in.

"This is ridiculous. How do you guys distinguish the houses? They all look the same. The only difference in them is their shape, but there are only two types so it's still not much of a help," Patrick asked, his voice full of shock and unconcealed fascination. He didn't like to show too many emotions at once, but he couldn't help himself at the moment. He, just like Corey, couldn't imagine how the aliens knew where their houses were. He was sure his head would start to spin if he had to wander through the city alone.

Azka smiled, looking towards the city.

"The family houses are marked with the sign of each family. As you already noticed, there are special markings on our faces. It develops during the first twenty years of our lives, and each linage has a specific marking. The children always inherit it from their father. The marking of the mother changes after the ritual, which we talked about yesterday. You will probably not be able to see it, though, as not even one of the people we brought from different planets could see it up until now. The shops, on the other hand, are easily recognizable by the shop windows and the names. Each of the shop has its name engraved right above the entryway, so it is easy to find the one you are looking for." He looked back at the boys, still smiling.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang