14. Chapter - Ancestry

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Hey there! New chapter's here!

It could've been here an hour ago, but there was a problem with loud and drunk students, and I had to go and deal with them. Can you imagine going up the stairs to the 12th floor, then 8th floor, and then 9th floor in a span of two hours? Terrible. My lungs are dying >.<  I really have to start working out for this.

Anyway, there is going to be some of the history of the aliens' in the chapter, so I hope you won't mind. It might seem boring, but there is some useful and important information in it, so I hope you won't skip through it (part of it is kind of significant in the story). And I, personally, love the legend.

You will come across a sentence in an alien language in this chapter. Its pronunciation and translation is at the end of the chapter!

Hope you'll enjoy the read!


Azka'rah was sitting in the library, thinking about Corey's words, forgetting about the reason he came there in the first place. He knew humans had different customs, and considered some things taboo, while Nezda'rahians found them normal. He didn't expect, however, that sleeping in one bed with a person of the same gender would be one of the things that would be uncomfortable for them. He didn't understand why it was such a problem for the human boy.

~Two days ago~

"Now, I would like to ask another thing, which I completely forgot when I fell down. Why was I sleeping in your bed, with you right next to me?" Corey asked, irritation visible on his face. Azka thought it was because of his experience with the healer he apparently hated, but he couldn't be more wrong.

"You fell asleep during the documentary, so I took you to the bed and fell asleep myself. I hope it was not a problem," he said, not understanding why it would be an issue.

The human boy was looking at him with an eerie expression, sighing and shaking his head after a second.

"Look, I get that you probably think it's normal to do so, or whatever. But back on Earth, we don't usually sleep on the same bed with the same sex unless it's someone close to us, or if there are unusual circumstances. And I would appreciate if you never did that again. Moreover, it's a bit uncomfortable knowing you, you know," he stammered, his cheeks going rosy.

"What?" Azka asked, even more confused. It seemed like Rey was getting embarrassed for some reason, and he couldn't wrap his mind around what the reason was.

"You choose a man for your partner, right? I mean, I know you won't do anything to me, but sleeping in the same bed, cuddling, is a bit weird to me, so," he finished, his face growing redder.

~Present time~

Frowning, he leaned against the chair and looked up at the ceiling. He could feel and see Rey was still extremely tense around him, and although he did relax when they were watching the documentary, his nervousness was back since they visited Khirin. As much as he tried, he couldn't come up with anything that would help the boy enjoy his time there, unless it was outside the palace, and that was out of question at the moment. They needed to finish the investigation before he could take him anywhere.

He just couldn't risk it.

As if reading his mind, there was a knock on the library door, and the Captain of the Royal Guards walked in, a serious expression on his face.

"Liven krast ul ehstah," he said, leaving the room immediately, Azka right on his tail.


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