20. Chapter - Refha

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The beginning of this chapter gave me a headache countless times. I just couldn't come up with a way to write it so it wouldn't sound weird. I'm not completely satisfied with the way it is, but it's better than before, so I hope you won't be too strict! ^.^

Anyway, our lovely boys are going to get a bit closer again! ^.^

I'm going to put here the end of previous chapter so you would know what's happening. It's been over a month since the last update, after all >...<

I hope you'll enjoy the chapter!


Previously (end of ch. 19)

(Nist'ahra took Niel to their room because he was feeling sick after the ride in the elevator.)

Corey was about to say something, express his confusion and concerns, but didn't get to do so. To his left, there was a slight shiver in the dark water. And although Azka's words about not looking were somewhere in the back of his mind, he totally forgot about it at that moment. It was like an instinct. He just couldn't help it but turn to look what it was.

It was the moment he saw the face he remembered what they were talking about above, and his eyes filled with undisguised terror. The moment he got to see the whole thing, he knew he would never forget the sight. It would haunt him forever.


Chapter 20


It reminded him of the monster from the Alien movie too much. With its gray humanoid body, too skinny it looked like bag of bones, and its limbs too long to look even remotely normal, he couldn't think of anything else. Five fingers on its hands and feet, they would look human if it wouldn't be for the webs between each of the finger and sharp looking claws that were unusually long.

The creature's massive tail, which was neatly curled around its body, had a dangerously pointed tip that looked as if it would cut through anything, and the ends of fins protruding from its sides and arms seemed to be equipped with the same sharpness, making Corey wonder why it was like that. It seemed almost as a hindrance because the creature couldn't move its arms too close to the body, but he didn't have time to dwell on the matter. His mind was too occupied imagining all the horror-like scenarios with the thing in front of him as a main character, and his head started to spin a little.

A slight movement in the creature's face made Rey's eyes snap in that direction, his pupils widening. Four huge black holes, two on each side of its head, were staring at him, blinking rapidly as if not believing its sight. He couldn't stop looking at the spots where the eyes were supposed to be. There were no eyeballs to be seen, just big black holes, going so deep it looked almost infinite. It was scary on its own, but with the eyelids going up and down every other second, the sight was terrifying.

Its face lacked any form of nose, its mouth opened, bigger than humans, with silver pointed teeth similar to shark's. On both sides of its neck, there were three long strikes that kept moving, Corey figuring out those were the Chlost's gills.

He was petrified, but he couldn't stop looking at it.

He heard voices all around him, but couldn't really concentrate on them. All he could see was the creature. He'd never imagined a monster like this could actually exist, but the being right in front of him, looking at him with curious eyes, proved him wrong. This was the real alien for him. The people and other creatures he'd seen so far were normal in comparison to this.

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