CHAPTER 3: Filthy piece of gum

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Hey guys! this is a very short chapter, I just wanted you guys to see the ugliness of this marriage and yes I ended it on a cliffhanger :D

I'll try my best but updates won't be this frequent.

Hope you like it :)

It would take a teeny tiny second to just press that vote button, just saying :D and yeah I'd love to see your feedback!

Genevieve's POV:

I woke up with a start drenched in cold sweat, my clothes stuck to my body and I couldn't help but shake all over, I glanced towards the alarm clock beside my bed to see that it was 4 in the morning. Jaxon wasn't home yet; the left side of the bed was still cold and empty. My hand lingered on his pillow and my heart ached at his absence.

I still remember those days when Jaxon wouldn't even sleep with me on the same bed, the exact words he said and I quote was that 'he was repulsed to even stand near me.' I was thankful when his father made him sleep in the same bed with me as the constant nightmares of my parents car accident couldn't allow me to sleep peacefully.

I had forgiven him for these words a long time ago, I understood that he was forced into this marriage against his consent; the one thing Jaxon Black hated was to lose control.

I remember when I was 10 and my best friend had broken my new doll I was furious, even swore to never talk to her, but that one promise had made me cry for 3 days, although my father had brought me a new doll but I had missed Sarah more, my mother had come inside my room that night and she had told me in that sweet sugary voice she had that forgiveness was the most powerful weapon a person could have, my 10 year old self didn't understood its actual meaning and had asked her why was it so powerful, she had told me that it brought peace, and I couldn't agree how right she was. I smiled from that sweet memory and my mind drifted back to Jaxon.

I had no idea where he was, and he would never bother to tell me. I started drifting in and off to sleep for a few more hours until I saw the sun peeking from the thick curtains draped over the window beside my bed. I hurriedly rose from my bed to check if Jaxon had arrived yet, but not a sound could be heard except my growing agitation on where my husband was. I decided to call his secretary one last time to check if she had any news as he repeatedly hadn't picked any of my calls last night.

I was about to turn around, when the bedroom door creaked open and there in all his glory stood my husband with his hair a bit disheveled and his eyes slightly droopy, a faint smile was on his face but it disappeared the moment his eyes landed on me.

"Jax, where were you the whole night? I was worried." I asked him anxiously

"Not now Genevieve, I'm not in the mood." He brushed me off with that single sentence and started to walk towards the bed.

I rushed forward grabbing his arm "Jax I was worried." I gazed into his eyes pouring out all of my emotions, that he could understand how much worried I was.

"How dare you touch me?" His intimidating tone caused me to take a step back unconsciously but I couldn't let his arm go, I felt safe just by holding him, for me this simple touch meant more than anything.

He roughly pushed me aside causing me to stumble and fall down. The tears from last night were threatening to escape yet again but I held back, I couldn't let him see me cry, he would only get wounded I tried to justify with myself.

Still a single tear managed to escape from my eyes and fall on the floor as I heard his next words

"You are not my wife, you are nothing but a filthy piece of gum stuck under my shoe, better understand that." With that I heard him move towards the bed. 

I couldn't make myself stand up from the floor, it felt like the world was finally trying to crush me down will all its might. I had no idea how much longer I could hold. Today, after so long I actually felt the real meaning of being an orphan, of being alone and I started to wonder if my father had made the right decision upon marrying us.

For every girl, marriage is a very magnificent and essential day but for me...

'No Genevieve, don't go there.' I forced myself to think about something else, anything was better than to think about that day, it was already too late I couldn't stop my mind from bringing up that day...

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