CHAPTER 10: Its time to face the demons Genevieve

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Genevieve's POV:

The sand under my feet felt warm and soft, the crashing of the waves was like a soothing melody to my ears; I had always loved going to the beach, it was one of my favourite place to visit with my parents. They loved it as much as I did; I smiled at the memories of my mom and me building sand castles near the edge of the sea and dad bringing ice creams which would somehow always end up being covered in sand.

"Sweet heart what are you smiling at?" my dad's question took me in surprise.

"Just us" I beamed at him

"I miss you dad, I miss mom too." Sadness over came the happiness.

"I know sweet heart, we miss you too." His eyes drooped down in sorrow.

"Then why did you leave me?" tears started pooling in my eyes now

"All good things need to come to an end honey; you are a big girl now, you can handle things on your own."

"I can't." I sobbed back "please don't leave me, I need you."

"It's going to be okay sweet heart." My dad started to walk away from me.

"No! Dad please don't leave me." I shouted out to him

He turned around to give me an assuring smile "it's okay honey."

"Dad...please" I begged him but I could see him fading away, I tried to run after him but there were chains around my legs, I struggled to free myself, to reach for my dad...

"No! Dad" I screamed out to the winds, but my voice started to fade away; just like me...

I jolted awake from my dream, my head crashing on the railing behind me.

"oww" I whined from the sudden impact on my head, groggily rubbing the sore part.

I wasn't surprised to see that I was still in that dingy little apartment we had rented and as usual Jaxon was nowhere to be seen. He had always made it clear that he and I could never be one; and moments like these would make me truly understand the depth of that single sentence. In times of need he was never there and somewhere deep in my heart I realized that he is never going to be, I wasn't sure where these negative thoughts were piling from, I had always wished for just one moment where he realizes that I loved him; and him only but today my thoughts were jumbled and confusing.

Although a huge part of my heart still wished for that irrational thought to come true, but the rationalized part, which had finally begun to start analysing understood that Jaxon's hate for me was inevitable. I wasn't stupid, I knew he blamed me for everything that went down in his life; his dreams; his ambition; his freedom, but maybe somewhere I knew that I had lost things that were irreplaceable; my parents; my house; my husband; my dignity and most happiness.

These thoughts kept piling over my head; holding me down with its unbearable weight.

Moving on was just a phrase which kept taunting me, bothering me that maybe; just maybe I couldn't recover from this trauma, Only time could decide what it held in store for me.

I stood up from my bed with shaky legs, I was exhausted and just not physically, I dragged myself towards the bathroom and decided to take a shower. I had delayed seeing the full impact on my body last night enough.

"it's time to face the demons Genevieve."

I slowly faced the giant mirror which was placed opposite to the shower wall, which in my belief was a very stupid idea as it always got splashed with water and giant water marks were sprayed across the entire mirror, you know the kinds of marks when the water dries and leaves giant translucent white spots? Yeah that.

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