CHAPTER 8: We all enjoyed her

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I could hear thunder cracking in the inky black sky, a storm was about to hit any moment. I stood gazing at the gloomy night pondering over my decisions. Genevieve wasn't home yet and maybe a tiny part of my conscience was worried about her, but the better part was worried about the money that would solve my problems.

I couldn't help but laugh at the audacity of life trying to screw me up again. I was Jaxon Black, I only knew how to win; whatever it cost and just to be honest this time it cost me nothing. Just a stupid naive slut living in my house, I always had my doubts about her fake innocence she wasn't my wife anymore; a prostitute as a wife? I don't think so.

The unlocking of the front door distracted my mind, Genevieve had finally arrived but I had no intentions of going to see her, I was waiting for something else, but I guess god had other ideas and before I could even realize what was happening the door of the bedroom flew open and she came running into my arms.

I felt her grab me tightly, her nails digging into my back; she pressed her face firmly over my chest and the wetness from her eyes kept seeping into my shirt, I felt her body racking from uncontrollable shivers, and her silent sobs rang loud in my ears.

My mind and body both were frozen in shock and turmoil to see her like this, I was afraid that if she kept hugging me like this a minute longer I would...

I roughly grabbed her arms and pushed her away, the unexpected movement caused her to trip and slip down on the floor. I had no desire to touch a woman who now contains god knows what diseases.

"Where is the money Genevieve?" I questioned her but it made no difference; as if I was talking to a corpse.

"Where is the money?" I inquired once more. My patience was running thin and I had no desire of tolerating this nonsense.

Kneeling down beside her I painfully grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard.

"I am asking you a question Genevieve!" she whimpered at my harsh grip and more tears leaked down from her already bloodshot eyes.

"He said he-he couldn't pay the money alone." Her hysterical sobs made it impossible for me to understand her, I watched her wrap her arms around her body rocking back and forth, mumbling words I couldn't grasp. Something felt wrong; I could feel that thought prickling my brain.

My eyes decided to roam across her entire body and what I saw still haunts me today, her arms and legs were covered in bruises which were starting to turn purple; large hand prints covered her cheeks and legs. The bruises on her thighs had dried blood covering them and her entire neck was purple.

It seemed like time had frozen or for a moment It felt like I had stopped breathing. My mind was in a complete havoc, surrounded by wild thoughts.

"gen-" I couldn't speak, a huge lump of fear was stuck in my throat. I needed air; I couldn't stand the sight of Genevieve any longer.

I abruptly stood up stumbling on my feet, backing out of the room. I could feel her desperate gazes boring holes into my back.

"Jax please?" she begged me halting me in my steps. I couldn't turn around; I didn't want to turn around so I silently left.

Sometimes our actions cause us pain; but I didn't know mine would cause me my entire existence. There is always an 'if' hidden somewhere in our choices. What if I hadn't made the mistake I made, or what if that day I hadn't turned my back on her, but life doesn't always give you second chances and maybe one day you find out karma truly is a bitch.

"You bastard what the hell did you do with my wife?" I angrily shouted on the phone. I knew Genevieve could hear my loud voice from the other room.

"And where the hell is my money?"

"Relax Jaxon, your money is right here, come over." Antonio calmly replied back over the phone

"And about your wife" I could hear him laughing over the phone

"Let's just say we all enjoyed her."

I smiled in satisfaction at his answer, If I would have told Genevieve that the deal was cracked among the seven of us, I would have never gotten her to agree.

"And if you are interested" he continued

"I have one more deal to offer."

"Sure, Genevieve would love it." I laughed.

Jaxon black was back in business all thanks to my dear wife.  

Hey guys!!

Its been a long time since I uploaded, things have been a lot more busier for me. Apologies!!

Hope you liked seeing Jaxon's true colors *wink* *wink*

I would love to hear your thoughts on this one. so far whose your favorite ;)

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