CHAPTER 20: A dying man's wish is always fulfilled

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Hey guys!!

Although this chapter was going to be the last one, i wanted to surprise you guys!!!

One more chapter till the last one!

Don't hate me after reading this ;))

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Jaxon's POV:

Your one and only,


The scratching of my pen halted as I smoothed out the rough edges of the paper, for a moment I decided to crumple it again, wanting to burn it, just like I did with the others.

This was no ordinary paper in my hand and I knew it, it almost felt like it would burn my hand if I grasp it any longer. After a few seconds of miserably trying to smoothen out the paper I decided to place it on the table with a single rose.

Genevieve loved roses; the red ones were her absolute favourite.

A smile etched on my lips when I recalled the memory when I first found out her affection for roses.

I had been brooding in the bedroom when I had glanced out from the window for a few seconds, Genevieve had been watering the rose garden she had planted herself after she got married to me.

She had been so absorbed in talking to them that she hadn't seen me watching her, I vividly remember how startled I had been when I had caught her enthusiastically chatting to the red roses.

A lone tear escaped from my eye when I recalled every beautiful memory of her.

I didn't want to think of the consequences of my actions right now, the only thing that mattered to me was Genevieve's happiness. And for her happiness to last forever I had to take this step.

For once in my lifetime I had to be selfless.

When Genevieve had left from the hospital; I had finally realized how alone I was. That single thought had plagued my mind until Antonio had arrived to take me home.

During the entire car ride I kept seeing flashes of the things I had done to Genevieve. The guilt which had started in the form of a dull ache had kept on piling up until it started to suffocate me, I felt like I couldn't exhale, and for a few seconds I wanted to stop breathing.

And at that moment, the cloud of haze had cleared from my mind; reality had started to make a little more sense; because at that moment I knew what had to be done.

The unending silence felt peaceful as I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, for a moment I pictured Genevieve sitting on the small wooden chair with her head lying on the table; eyes closed shut; fast asleep. I pictured her thick golden locks spread on the table, her nose scrunched up, tiny amount of drool falling from her mouth.

That was how she would wait for me to arrive every single day.

If I would have been allowed a single wish in that moment, I would choose to bring back that time.

But I couldn't, but that didn't mean I could let Genevieve ruin herself; more every day, I knew the reason of her misery and I would do everything in my power to end it.

With that solitary thought swirling in my mind, I gradually grabbed the rat poison from the kitchen counter, unscrewed the cap and gulped the entire contents down without any further hesitation.

The bottle slipped from hands as I started coughing violently from the vile taste of the poison.

'This is it Jaxon, this is where your story ends.'

I laughed at the irony of being the hero; ending the evilness once and for all; in this case it meant ending me.

I couldn't comprehend how my laughter had unexpectedly turned into loud sobs. Every sob violently shook my body until I screamed in agony.

I deserved to die alone and in pain, that was my punishment for whatever pain I had given Genevieve.

I deserved to die slowly with an agony

Vicious fits of cough made me stumble and fall on the floor.

My legs had started throbbing badly and although I felt like I had no strength in my body to even stand, I hauled my body up; with the support of the kitchen counter.

The only thing that my body felt was misery, but it wasn't only the physical pain that had me staggering back; but the torture I felt inside my heart.

They say that the wish of a dying man is always fulfilled; but I didn't deserve to see her beautiful face smiling down at me; I didn't deserve to hear her soft sugary voice calling out to me; I didn't deserve her to embrace me in her arms, to hug me as I begged for her forgiveness; I didn't even deserve to tell her that I love her with all my might.

I dragged myself out of the kitchen, until my legs buckled out making me collapse on the floor again.

The more I struggled to reach the bedroom, the more I wheezed out until I-I couldn't even manage to stand up without tripping.

My desperateness to reach my bed made me do something Jaxon Edward Black would never dream of doing, I crawled towards the bedroom door, the only support I had were my hands, my legs had given out due to fatigue.

After a few struggling seconds I pushed the bedroom door wide open, entering on the carpeted surface, my elbows were bruising when I reached towards the bed and pushed myself on it.

Tears of exhaustion silently made their way on my cheeks when I lay down.

'It's infuriating isn't it?' my conscience mocked me 'the great Jaxon Black finally gets a taste of his own medicine.'

I was never a person to believe in hell and heaven, or that someone mighty was looking at us from up there.

In my twenty seven years I had never bothered to go to church or say prayers, have a belief that I'd pay for my sins.

But today lying on my own on this bed, glancing upwards, I realized something, that if I died today, no one would give a damn, no one would bother to care, there wasn't even a single person who would cry for me, heck no one would even visit my grave.

I had never been concerned about anyone except myself and now karma had come to bite me in the ass.

But if there really is someone up there watching me, even for just a second then there is only one thing I want; one thing I wish; one thing I'd pray with my heart for.

'Keep her safe please.' I whispered

My eyes shut at its own accord, the reality that I was dying was finally getting to me I felt tired

I just wanted to go to sleep...

But you know what they say right? A dying man's wish is always fulfilled.

Maybe there really is someone up there, shaking his head sadly at me, watching me grow and turn out in the man I had started to despise

Because at that moment the jiggling of the keys made my eyes snap open, the loud banging of the door made me sit up straight and the sweet voice of my wife made me forget all my pain.

Genevieve was home.

The only thing I was concerned about right now was

'She cannot know...she cannot know'

I kept whispering that mantra until the bedroom door sprung open.

"Honneeyy I am home." Her sweet melodic voice made me smile.

How did she know I was here was beyond me.

"And look who I brought."

The smile vanished from my face the minute I spotted someone with green eyes and brown hair standing beside her.

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