CHAPTER 7: Sell yourself for me

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Hey guys, this story which I am writing isn't rainbows and flowers. This story contains dark and matured contents, I would strongly caution for only matured readers to read further. Wattpad still haven't age restricted my book so read it at your own risk!

Thank you.

Enjoy :)

P.S: I would like to know your thoughts on this chapter.

Do vote if you enjoyed it haha just sayin!


Genevieve's POV:

I kept pacing around the small kitchen, glancing at the giant clock behind me, this could hardly be called a kitchen though; it was rounded and extremely cramped with horrible walled cabinets and a giant rusty black oven. A small table and chair were pushed around one corner of the room while a small window above the stove allowed you to look outside.

An hour had passed and Jaxon still hadn't arrived yet, I kept looking worriedly at the front door to see if he had arrived yet, wild thoughts consumed my mind from time to time as Jaxon was usually heavily drunk at this hour of the night.

I breathed in relief when I finally saw him enter the door of the house, his hair was unkempt which had been the same since the past week and hardly in one place, his clothes were messy and even some of the buttons on his shirt were missing, gone was the smart sleek Jaxon Black that people admired, in his place there was a devastated and lost man standing before me. With dark bags under his eyes and his face painted in grave sadness.

My eyes opened wide in wonder when I noticed he wasn't stumbling or struggling to walk on his feet, he was perfectly sober. I couldn't help but grin, after a week I felt sheer delight consume me, my Jax wasn't drunk today! Maybe there is some good news, I wondered if my words were true.

I rushed towards our room excitedly where I saw Jaxon sitting on the bed, with his hands covering his face and silent sobs were racking from his body.

The smile completely vanished from my face as I rushed forward and tried to grab his hands.

"Jax, Jax! What's wrong?" He was struggling to pull himself away from me, but I wasn't willing to let him go.

"Jax tell me please, did somebody say anything to you?" I kept pushing his hands away from his face, I had no idea from where this strength had come but Jaxon was hurting and he needed me.

After thinking for a few minutes something clicked in my mind and I cautiously asked him.

"Jax did Antonio say something to you?" his head snapped up at his name and finally I could see his stormy black eyes which today were filled with pain and guilt.

I grabbed his hands and kneeled down between his legs.

"Talk to me." I pleaded with him, silently a single tear slipped from my eye, it hurt to see him like this; ruined and terrified.

Finally Jaxon detached himself from me and stood up, he made his way towards the small window beside our bed and stood with his hands folded behind his back facing away from me.

"Genevieve." He sighed "there is only one person who can save me; save us."

"Who?" I asked excitedly, "has he or she agreed to help?"

"That depends." He answered back after a moment.

My brows creased in bewilderment at his vague answer, what did he mean by 'that depends'

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