CHAPTER 12: I want my money back

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Genevieve's POV:

"Are you at your home?" I snapped the moment he picked up the call.

"Yes?" he questioned

"I am coming over." with those four words I slammed the pay phone down.

How had I gotten hands on Antonio's number I had no idea, I had heard Jaxon saying that he was some sort of a big shot in Manhattan. I still despised him, there was no doubt in that and to bare his presence was an understatement, but unfortunately I needed him for my plan.

I hailed a taxi; explained the address; jumped in and the driver drove off. All of a sudden it felt like dejavu but the only difference was that I wasn't afraid this time, I had always believed that love could overpower anything in this entire world but boy I was so wrong, I felt powerful and love didn't do it; hatred, anger; revenge did it. I never understood Jaxon's hatred for me, never realized how intense that feeling is, how much easier it is to hate rather than love. I didn't; not even for a second realized what path I was walking to; how dark it was out there and how I would never be able to go back from that anymore, I didn't care.

There was a rush of adrenaline sprouting inside my body; I felt a thrill from all of these conniving thoughts, man thinking evil was so much more fun! At least I didn't have to care about being noble; pffft screw noble!

This time my legs didn't shake when I got out from the taxi nor did I have to calm my nerves down, this time I strode down the giant iron gates with purpose, confidently ordered them to open up the gates and marched in. the walk towards the wooden door didn't feel like an eternity this time nor did I hesitate to climb up the stairs. I almost felt enthusiastic and I didn't even know the reason. I laughed at the hilarity of the situation.

Suddenly I felt alive and I loved that feeling, I was tired of all my miseries; maybe I was tired of that one person who gave me those miseries and besides that, I was done being treated like a rag doll.

"Where is Antonio?" I questioned the minute the door was opened there was no reason to beat around the bush.

"Master will meet you in his room ma'am, I'll show you-"

Slightly pushing him aside I entered.

"Don't bother I know the way." I retorted

"But ma'am-"

This time I only rolled my eyes at him and started walking upstairs, the minute I reached that dreadful door I slammed it open, I didn't want to stay here a minute extra and this room was giving me the creeps already.

"I am here to make a deal" I announced the moment I laid my eyes on him spread on the bed shirtless

"Don't just stand on the door sweet Genevieve, come on in."

I knew he was waiting for some kind of a nervous breakdown so that he could enjoy and get entertained from my misery, but sorry to disappoint you, you are getting none of that today.

"Sure, why not" I noticed a slight look of interest when he noticed I didn't argue further. I locked the door behind me as it was important for me to talk to him with a little privacy.

"Don't just stand there sweet heart, join me." He patted the empty space on the bed beside him, inviting me to sit or lie or whatever he wanted me to do; like a puppet.

I clenched my fist in anger, calm down Genevieve this isn't the moment to lose your cool.

"Nah, I am good over here" I wasn't going to get touchy feely with him, not yet at least.

"Come on sit with me, I don't bite." He started laughing at his own joke, when him and me both knew he did bite, and hard.

"I sat beside him on the bed, with my back rested on the rails behind me; Antonio was still lying with his arms behind his head beside me.

"So about that deal...?" he questioned

"I want my money."

"Your money?" Surprise was evident in his tone

"Yes mine." I replied back

"Did Jaxon sent you here?" he quizzed; he was confused bingo!

"Why would he?" I challenged him.

"The deal was made with Jaxon." He finally replied after a moment of thinking, he still couldn't follow my thoughts and I knew I had to take advantage of that.

"Are you hinting that I didn't earn this money; Jaxon did?" I replied and bingo I hit right on the nail!

Antonio suddenly sat up, making me jump in surprise, but before I could react further he caged me between his arms, both his hands were grabbing the railing behind me, his body was slightly pressed into mine, and his lips were only an inch away from me.

"What exactly do you want from me sweet Genevieve?" he whispered silkily, his one hand was entwined in my hairs.

"I want to destroy my husband, and only you can do this."

"Aah and what will I get from all of this?" he inquired, I could almost feel his breath on my face

"Anything" I whispered back.

"Then I think we have a deal sweet heart."

With that he locked his mouth over mine, pushing me down on the bed...

Dun dun dun...*drum rolls*

So were any of you expecting that?? *evil wink*

I know this is a short chapter but the next update wont take long. Promise, *pinky swear*

Enjoy guys!! Do tell me how you liked it so far??

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