CHAPTER 9: A deal is a deal sweet Genevieve

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Chapter nine is dedicated to someone who helped me in her own way to continue this book.

I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you Noor_Mansoor.


Genevieve's POV:

"Please I am begging you, I don't want this. Stop please stop! Stop please Antonio don't! No-ooooo!"

My eyes shot open in horror at the loud scream that erupted from my throat, I frantically searched around the bed until I found the switch and turned the lamp on, I could make out the faint ticking of the clock over my thudding heart. The house was in an eerie silence, suffocating me.

I shakily wiped away the sweat building up on my forehead where a huge bruise had formed from when he bumped my head.

He...realization hit me like a solid concrete wall making me shut my eyes in distress, trying to stop more tears from spilling on the bed.

"Get a grip on yourself." The candid tone of my brain tried to occupy my senses.

I slowly sank back in my already wet pillow.

"Why did it have to be me?" I questioned out to no one in particular.

"What had I done to deserve this?" there were a thousand questions like these swimming in my mind; but I had no answer, there was no one to answer them...

I hiccupped a sob deciding to finally close my eyes, praying to fall in a dreamless sleep, away from this devastating reality. Maybe the morning wouldn't look so gloomy; I'd have Jaxon to comfort me. He had promised me a new and better life; just the two of us away from all of this.

I had decided to leave Manhattan far away, this city had only granted me sorrows and miseries and for once I was promised happiness from that one person who had the control over it, my husband.

I shut my eyes wishing morning would arrive sooner than later, but you can only fool reality for moments before it comes raining down on you, harder than before, crushing you; making you more vulnerable. This night was my inescapable reality and the moment I lost control over my brain reality set in, I had promised myself I would never think about this night.

But it was too late; my worst nightmare was already spinning in my head like a tornado; dragging me in too deep.


"I want you to wear this Genevieve." Jaxon informed me, handing me a small paper bag with my name in bold letters on it.

"What-what's this?" I had to inquire, a million thoughts were clouding my head; shivers ran up my body whenever I glanced at the clock which now indicated me I had an hour before...

"Check it for yourself." Jaxon's words snapped me back into reality "Antonio sent it and whatever is it you have to wear it. Understood?" did I have an option I thought to myself, not really.

"Yes." I answered before Jaxon would lose his temper again, he had been on edge all morning, I knew he despised Antonio as much as I did with the deal; he couldn't stand to watch all of this. I slightly smiled at the thought of my husband being protective of me.

The smile disappeared the moment I removed the items from the bag. Jaxon had decided to go out for a bit, allowing me some privacy to clear my thoughts which I was very thankful for.

The bag contained a black dress similar to what I wore the day Antonio saw me the first time, but it barely reached my thighs. The neckline was extremely low and the straps were so thin I feared they would fall apart any moment.

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