Jonathan Reyes

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Hey. My names Jonathan Reyes. I'm 19 years old and I have brown hair and green eyes. I have a massive crush on Annabeth Chase. She has curly blond hair and grey eyes.

She says she has a boyfriend in New York, but she'd probably dump him for me. (A/N *coughs violently* she wouldn't dare do that) I decided to ask her out today at lunch. Oh wait. It's math class. See you in a bit!

"Okay, class. Today we have a new student. He is new here, so so show respect." Good. That means I still have a chance with Annabeth. As he walked in, Annabeth was acting strange. He sat down next to her.

I was so jealous of him. He had black hair and sea green eyes. After class was lunch. I walked over to Annabeth's table. "Hey Annabeth?" I asked. "Mhmm? Yeah?"

"Um, I-I was wondering if you would go out with me."

She sighed. "No, Jonathan. I have a boyfriend in New York. I told you that already." I instantly got pissed. "WHERE IS HE?? I'LL CHALLENGE HIM TO A SWORD FIGHT!!" I shouted. Annabeth snorted. "Like you'll win. He's over there." She gestured to a table.

I walked over to that table. I tapped his shoulder. "Yeah?" He asked. "I challenge you to a duel." I said. His friends snorted and said the same as Annabeth. "What do we win?" He asked. I pointed at Annabeth. "Her." I said.

He got steamed. "Fine." He said. We walked to the back of the school. He got a sword out of his pocket. I don't know how, but I did too.

-time skiiippp 1 hour later-

I was laying on the ground, crying of pain. He won, meaning he had Annabeth. Luckily, I only got bruised. I walked to the locker room and saw the boy and Annabeth making out against a locker.

They'd only known each other for literally 5 minutes and they were kissing. "A-Annabeth?" I asked. Nothing. I pulled them apart. "Why are you two kissing?" I yelled. Annabeth smirked. "This is my boyfriend, Jonathan. Go away." And the couple continued to make out.

I flopped on the grass. I climbed a tree. Everything I did made me want Annabeth more. I knew I didn't have a chance, but I still wanted her. I got her out of my head (which was really hard) and fell asleep. I never woke up.

In reality:

Jonathan accidentally suffocated himself because his face was in the grass. (I liek darke humer.)

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