Jasmine Gonzales

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Hi! Sorry for not updating a lot. I'm too busy reading Blood of Olympus.

By now, I'm probably finished.

Bob bob bobs bobo skkssuerhfi (line break)

I whined as the teacher said we were gonna take a calculus quiz that would count for 90% of our grades. Everyone HATED calculus. Except for one person. Annabeth Chase. She was the nerdiest kid in class, not to mention stupid. She had totally fake blond hair, grey eyes that were obviously contacts, and a fake tan.

Now, your probably wondering what I look like, right? I have real brown hair (dyed), natural blue eyes (contacts), and a legitimate tan (fake). And no, I'm not self-centered or cocky! I'm normal. Unlike Annabarf.

Bob bob bobs bobo skkssuerhfi

2:49. One more minute before we go home. "Don't forget your-"

The bell rang.

The class was empty in a minimum of 5 seconds.

Then, five minutes later, a blue Lamborghini pulled up. Out stepped the most stunning man I have ever seen. He had raven black hair, with the most beautiful sea green eyes.

"SEAWEED BRAIN!" Annabeth yelled. Did they know each Other? No, they didn't. If they did, they couldn't be dating. The mystery hottie was mine.

"I told you to get a grey one!"

"Well, sorry, Wise Girl, did you forget I liked blue?"


"Then get it yourself..."

"Did Leo teach you how to grow an extra thickness of sassiness?"


"I'm gonna kill him"

They both laughed and got in the car.

Bob bob bobs bobo skkssuerhfi

Percy POV

I don't know what up with Jasmine. She's cocky AF, then she says that she ISN'T. Whatever... Annabeth and I have to go back to the house.

When we got there, we heard the song "Immortals" By Fall Out Boy.

"Chris, Stop playing that!"
"At least use headphones!"

The music stopped. We heard a faint "Hmph."

We walked inside to see Chris animating on roblox, and then Ivy was asleep on the couch. A common sight. (me XD)

Chris sighed and got up. He walked over to Ivy and caressed her cheek. "God dammit."

(A/N can anyone come up with a ship name for Chris x Ivy?)

Bob bob bobs bobo skkssuerhfi

Jasmine's POV

As I strutted down the street, I was many homeless people. I waved $100 dollar bills in their face while laughing. Just pathetic. I mean, get a life, losers!

I walked by Percy's house. How do I know his name? I don't stalk him or anything (Yes I do) ! Oh hey, this is Percy's house. I think. My soon to be boyfriend.

I then came up with a plan. I'd find a hot boy, but him up with Annabeth, make them kiss, Percy will cry and run to me. It's perfect. It won't fail. I know it.

I found a hot boy, his name is Mark James. He's so hot, he'll have Annabeth in no time. I tell him the plan.

"Ok, I can DEFINITELY do that."

Good. I saw Mark walk over to Annabeth.

"Hey cutie. Wanna go out sometime?" He says. I expected her to say yes and jump into his arms, but she said, "Ew, of course not freak!"

Mark looked at me and shrugged.

I guess my plans don't work.

And that's how I ended up at the edge of a street with people taunting me with $100 bills.

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