Growing Up

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During the time they lived on Ruyfira, Henry took on the role of educator, patiently guiding Ruby through the process of learning to read and write. Their shared hours of study were punctuated by laughter, frustration, and moments of triumph as Ruby's literacy skills steadily improved. Concurrently, Ja, Io, and Ur eagerly shared their expertise with Henry. They introduced him to a variety of electronic devices that were commonplace on Ruyfira, from advanced communication devices to holographic interfaces. Henry's curiosity and determination drove him to quickly grasp the workings of these technologies, proving his ability to adapt and learn in this new environment.

Nathan, Ruby, and Henry found themselves visiting Mars at intervals to oversee the intricate process of terraforming. The vast journey through space became an opportunity for Nathan to share his knowledge with his young companions. During one of these trips in 1948, he decided to teach them the inner workings of his ship, recognizing the potential value of their understanding.

"Do you remember what powers the ship?" asked Nathan.

"Matter and antimatter," replied Ruby. "Both are destroyed, and their mass is converted directly into energy."

"I've been thinking," said Henry. "I'm not too sure that even particle-antiparticle annihilation would produce enough energy for creating the sorts of warp fields this ship requires for long-distance travel."

"You think too much," said Nathan. "Now, do either of you know how to refuel?"

"You never explained that," Ruby replied.

"Oh," said Nathan. "Well, it's actually pretty simple, because interstellar and intergalactic space is not entirely empty. While using the warp drive, the field traps any and all particles in its path, and once it disengages, all of that energy will be released simultaneously, which may destroy both you and your destination, unless you have a means to absorb the energy, which this ship of course has. The energy is converted into mass as equal parts matter and antimatter, which then gets stored for later use."

"And how do you absorb all of that energy in a safe and controlled manner?" Henry asked.

"It works," said Nathan. "Just take my word for it."

In time, Henry and Ruby learned how the ship operated, at least enough to be able to use it. In addition to flying and navigating, they were also taught how to use the autopilot, the deflector shield, the cloaking device, the artificial gravity, the scanners, and the airlock. Nathan did not want them to actually use his ship, but he figured that they should still know how just in case it ever became necessary. One day, which by Earth accounts was in 1949, Henry and Ruby decided to make their move. They dressed casually but prepared backpacks full of various equipment and supplies.

"Everything ready to go?" Ruby asked.

"I've gone through my notes," said Henry. "I've made sure of it. We have all that we need."

"We're really gonna do this?"

"We have to at least try. This is just a test to make sure we can."

Ruby and Henry exited their bedroom, and were immediately confronted by Io.

"Going somewhere?" Io inquired.

"Maybe," Henry replied.

"Yup," said Ruby.

"Where to?" Io asked.

"That remains to be seen," replied Henry.

"To the spaceport," Ruby said.

"At least make sure Nathan is properly distracted," said Io. "You're such amateurs. Leave that to me."

"Thank you," said Henry.

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