Mirienna's Job

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As the new Chief Executive Officer of the Intergalactic Trading Corporation, Mirienna sat at the head of a long, polished table surrounded by the board of directors at the company's headquarters on Novsorx. Mirienna's violet eyes drifted around the room as the Chief Operating Officer launched into a presentation, a monologue filled with meticulous details about operational efficiencies and labor practices. The room was filled with the soft glow of holographic charts, data visualizations, and meticulously designed slides. Despite their efforts to engage her attention, Mirienna felt an overwhelming detachment from the content being presented.

As the Chief Financial Officer seamlessly transitioned into a comprehensive financial report, Mirienna's thoughts wandered far from the confines of the boardroom. Her fingers idly traced patterns on the smooth surface of the table, her mind consumed by a desire for liberation from the monotony. The rows of numbers, projections, and financial jargon seemed to blur together into a sea of insignificance, each statistic an ephemeral detail in a vast ocean of boredom. She shifted in her seat, her fox-like ears twitching with irritation, and a growing sense of restlessness overcame her. Her tail flicked back and forth in agitation, while her thoughts meandered through various fantasies. She wanted nothing more than to have a snack, masturbate, and take a nap. When her attention was finally wrested from the confines of her daydreams, she realized that the meeting had come to an end, and Seraphim was standing before her.

"What?" Mirienna inquired, her tone impatient.

Seraphim leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How is the business life treating you?" she asked, her voice holding a playful note.

Mirienna let out a weary sigh, her frustration clear. "I hate it. Moreover, I'm still waiting for a punchline."

"Understandable," Seraphim said softly. "You know me well. But as I've already told you, this is no joke. Everything is yours to do with as you see fit. I've grown tired of it all. I just want to be with my family."

"I don't know how to run a business or an empire," said Mirienna. "What should I do with it?"

"Whatever you want. I know that I should have destroyed it, but I'm not strong enough to tear down everything I worked so hard to build. What I can do, though, is simply walk away, in hopes that someone else very dear to me can do the right thing."

"So you're shifting all the responsibility to do what's right to me?"

"What can I say? In the end, I'm just a coward."

"What if I don't do what you want me to?"

Seraphim's voice held a note of resignation. "It doesn't matter," she replied. "It won't be my problem anymore. The decisions from here on are yours. But whatever happens, I'll love you anyway."

Mirienna's mind swirled with uncertainty, her heart heavy with the weight of the decisions she would have to make. "This is a lot to take in. I need time to think."

Seraphim nodded understandingly. "Take all the time you need. The power is yours. There's no need to rush."

Mirienna couldn't help but voice one more concern. "What if you change your mind?"

Seraphim's expression remained resolute. "I'm well aware of that possibility and took that into consideration," she said, her gaze unwavering.

"In what way?"

"The universe is incomprehensibly vast, and its expansion is accelerating," said Seraphim. "The local galaxy cluster is comparatively small, but gravitationally bound. In a matter of just a few billion years, gravity will inevitably pull this cluster together until it merges into a single galaxy, while the rest of the universe drifts beyond the cosmic horizon and becomes effectively meaningless."

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