Acting Governor

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Reginald meticulously organized his belongings into his travel bag, folding his clothes with precision and arranging his toiletries in a neat row. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility not just for himself but for his sister, Hadassah, who stood nearby, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Her attire, as usual, was relaxed and carefree, a stark contrast to Reginald's pressed suit and polished shoes.

With a sigh, Reginald abandoned his packing momentarily and approached Hadassah, a determined gleam in his eye. "Hadassah, my dear sister," he began, his tone gentle yet firm, "we mustn't dawdle. We need to get ready for our trip to Earth."

Hadassah blinked, her attention snapping back to the present. "Earth?" she echoed, as if the concept had only just dawned on her. "Oh, right. That thing we're doing."

Reginald resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Indeed, now do be prepared."

Meanwhile, Nathan was just relaxing on the tile floor of his office. He had just rolled over onto his back to a part of the floor that felt slightly cooler than where he had been lying up to that point. He stared up and imagined patterns in various marks on the ceiling tiles. He planned to meet with Reginald and Hadassah at the spaceport, but there was still plenty of time before that. So much work up to this point was about to finally amount to something, and he was glad to have some time to ease the stress. However, an aide walked into the room and, without saying anything, turned on a news report before exiting again.

The report announced that Germany had invaded France, and that in response, King Lubin IV issued a declaration of war against Germany. Nathan groaned, then leapt to his feet and prepared to leave. He boarded a high-speed train to the residential area where Reginald and Hadassah lived. He then walked to their front door and knocked.

Hadassah opened the door nonchalantly. "What brings you here?" she asked casually, unaware of the news.

"A train," Nathan replied. "But this really isn't the time for jokes."

"Then why do it?" Hadassah retorted.

"Never mind that. War has broken out," Nathan explained, his tone serious.

"Broken out of what?" Hadassah quipped.

Nathan groaned, his patience wearing thin. "Just shut up."

Reginald, sensing the tension, approached the doorway, seeking clarification. "Who is it?"

"That pompous fool you're using to advance your political ideals," Hadassah replied candidly.

"Shut up," said Nathan, his tail puffing up. "I'm the one using him."

Reginald tried to steer the conversation back to their original plan. "I thought we agreed to meet at the spaceport."

Nathan delivered the harsh reality, "There's another war. On Earth."

Reginald's concern was palpable as he inquired, "How bad?"

"That remains to be seen, but it is likely to encompass much of Eurasia, if not beyond," Nathan answered, his demeanor serious and focused. "Do you still plan on going?"

Reginald felt the weight of the decision ahead of him. "I must. The chance may never come again. I can't speak for Hadassah, though."

Undeterred by the unfolding crisis, Hadassah asserted her determination, "I must uphold my duties as an ambassador for my planet. I'm going. You can't change my mind."

"Very well then. But I won't allow you to be put in danger."

Hadassah remained steadfast, her determination unwavering, "I can handle myself."

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