Fall of Empires

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On June 23, 3943, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Soviet Union. The following day, Emperor Kamui and several other Japanese government officials were executed at Tokyo Imperial Palace. Standing before the former symbol of Japanese Imperial authority, Reinaldo prepared to deliver a speech written for him by Norabel.

"My fellow Earthlings," Reinaldo began, his tone measured yet firm, "I stand before you with a solemn duty—a duty to uphold justice, to defend the principles of freedom and equality, and to ensure that tyranny and oppression have no place in our world.

"For too long, the British Empire has wielded its colonial power with impunity, exploiting and oppressing countless peoples under the guise of civilizing missions and imperial ambitions. But no longer shall we tolerate such tyranny. No longer shall we stand idly by as innocent lives are trampled upon in the name of empire. The same choice that was given to Japan, shall now be granted to Britain.

"Today, I issue an ultimatum to King Lubin IV," Reinaldo declared, his voice ringing with authority. "Within the next twenty-four hours, the British Empire must relinquish all colonial holdings, without exception or delay. Failure to comply will result in the full force of the Soviet Union being brought to bear upon them.

"But let it be known," Reinaldo continued, his tone unwavering, "that our goal is not conquest or domination. We seek not to oppress, but to liberate. Not to conquer, but to unite. To the British working class, the time to rise up against your rulers is now! Our aim is justice, freedom, and equality for all peoples. Together, a better future is possible!"

Watching the address from Buckingham Palace was Nanette. Concerned about the future, she consulted her husband.

"Reinaldo has issued a declaration of war against us," Nanette began, her voice laced with urgency. "We must take this seriously. I fear the odds may not be in our favor. We should explore alternatives to armed conflict."

Lubin's response, however, was far from what she expected. "I'm invading Brazil," he declared bluntly.

"I think you should try negotiating with Reinaldo," Nanette insisted.

"No," Lubin replied, his tone nonchalant. "I want to invade Brazil."

Nanette's concern deepened. "Why?"

"Why not?" Lubin replied flippantly. "I've already blockaded both sides of the Panama Canal, which is already a region of major contention between the Mexican and Brazilian Empires. Plus, I already have an alliance with Mexico. If I join them in fighting Brazil, maybe I could convince them to give me a piece of it. Besides, why should I worry? Reinaldo and I are friends."

Nanette's patience wore thin as she pointed out the stark reality. "You've literally met him only a few times. He's already called for your overthrow, and explicitly labeled you as an enemy. And as I already said, he declared war."

Lubin, seemingly unfazed, continued to defend his course of action. "Mexico is my ally. They'll surely assist me if needed."

Nanette, exasperated by his lack of consideration, reminded him of recent events. "Why would they defend you after seeing how you treat your allies? You did nothing when Japan begged for aid."

"Oh, good point. Well, then I hope Reinaldo obliterates them. I certainly won't be coming to their defense."

Nanette's patience snapped, frustration boiling over. "You are so bloody infuriating!"

Lubin's response was callous and dismissive, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation at hand. "Shut up and make me a sandwich. All this talk of war is making me hungry."

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