Conflict Resolution

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As the red flag of the Soviet Union was raised over the Palacio Imperial, Red Army tanks patrolled the streets, creating a loud rumble throughout Mexico City. The crushing defeat of the Empire had shattered the livelihood of the city and its people. A helicopter flew overhead, slowly descending for a landing in front of an ancient red brick wall that surrounded an old house like a miniature fortress. As the helicopter touched the ground, the door on its side opened, and out leaped Reinaldo and a very pregnant Norabel, followed soon after by Reginald and Hadassah.

"Keep the motor running," said Reginald. "Stay alert and be ready to take off at a moment's notice."

"Will do," Jared replied.

Inside the gates, Reinaldo and Norabel made their way to a tombstone in the courtyard. A hammer and sickle were carved into the stone, and atop it already flew the flag of the Soviet Union.

Reinaldo spoke with a mixture of reverence and determination. "Leon Trotsky, the Soviet Union betrayed and murdered you. The time is long overdue for your country to pay you proper tribute."

"How do you intend to do that?" asked Norabel.

"Through action. He understood that a lone communist nation is not viable in a capitalist world, that a worldwide permanent revolution is the only true way to win, and that only through democracy can it be sustained."

"So, what are you proposing that we do?"

"We must correct the errors of Lenin, the evils of Stalin, and the failures of all who followed. We must bring peace. And finally, we must return power to the proletariat."

After returning to the Moscow Kremlin, Reinaldo gave another address to the world, with Norabel by his side.

"Today marks a new chapter in history," Reinaldo declared. "With the surrender of Mexico, the Soviet Union stands unchallenged as the world's only superpower. But let me be clear: this newfound power does not come without responsibility. We are not conquerors seeking to impose our will upon the world. We are guardians, protectors of peace and justice, which we intend to enforce. To those nations who have yet to embrace the ideals of communism and join our ranks, I issue a solemn warning. You have twenty-four hours to pledge your allegiance to the Soviet Union, to cast aside the chains of capitalism and embrace a future of prosperity and equality. Know this, we possess ten thousand nuclear missiles, each one capable of unleashing untold devastation upon those who dare to oppose us, all ready to fire at my command. But let it be known that it is my fervent hope that not a single one will need to be launched."

Soon after, one by one, all remaining nations of Earth surrendered unconditionally. Upon receiving confirmation that the final sovereign head of state, Dalziel O'Shaughnessy, had surrendered and been arrested, Reinaldo ordered all Martian military personnel out of the Moscow Kremlin, while adding extra security from the Red Army. This was not considered exceptionally unusual, as it was fairly routine security protocol. Reinaldo, however, had much more drastic action planned. Reinaldo had his office cleared of all people aside from himself, Norabel, Reginald, Hadassah, and Jared.

"Now that I am the sole leader of the only sovereign government of the one independent nation of Earth, I believe that it is time for you to formally step down as Acting Governor," Reinaldo said to Reginald. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Of course," said Reginald. "And therefore, Hadassah, I do believe that our official duties here have been fulfilled."

"What's next?" asked Hadassah.

"If you will indulge us, I do believe that there is one more mission that falls under your official duties," said Norabel.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Hadassah.

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