Extreme Measures

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In the serene ambiance of her Mumbai mansion, Susan indulged in a much-needed vacation, savoring the comfort of her home. Sunlight filtered through stained-glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns across the polished marble floors. Plush velvet drapes billowed gently in the breeze. The fragrant aroma of sandalwood incense infused the air, mingling with the soft strains of instrumental music that drifted from hidden speakers, enveloping Susan in a cocoon of tranquility.

With graceful movements, Susan wielded the exquisitely forged sword she had recently acquired, its gleaming blade slicing effortlessly through the air. Each swing resonated with a symphony of steel meeting wood as it collided with the wooden training post she had set up. There was something liberating about it, and Susan was determined to improve her swordsmanship through dedicated practice. However, her peaceful solitude was soon interrupted by a message from Seraphim.

Susan's brow furrowed, and she couldn't help but groan at the interruption. "What do you need?" she asked with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"I want you to take the lowest-yield nuclear device you have and detonate it in Sydney," Seraphim commanded.

"Sydney, Australia?" Susan's eyes widened in disbelief and discomfort. She shifted uneasily, her movements showing her resistance to the disturbing request. "Are the specifics important?" she asked, trying to buy some time to process the shocking command.

"Not particularly. Don't worry, I'm sure no one will miss it. No one important, anyway."

Susan's grip tightened around the hilt of the sword, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts. Her face contorted in concern, she responded, "I must admit, I don't particularly like the idea of attacking a civilian population center. Do I have a choice?"

"Of course. You can detonate it in Sydney, or I can detonate your entire arsenal where it is now."

"That would be a problem," Susan admitted with a hint of resignation. "They're sort of stored right by my house."

"That's sort of the point," Seraphim replied.

A mix of frustration and fear washed over Susan as she weighed her choices. "I don't particularly like the idea of being vaporized," she finally said.

"And I'm sure your brother feels the same way."

Susan's eyes narrowed with a mix of determination and desperation. "You do make some compelling points."

"Then can I count on your support?"

"No problem," said Susan. "It shall be done."

"Good." Seraphim ended the transmission.

Wanting to get her brother's opinions on the matter, Susan attempted to contact Devara repeatedly, but there was no response. After seven failed attempts, she decided to visit him in person. In the dimly lit confines of Devara's bunker, Susan's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she sought her brother's elusive attention. The air was heavy with the faint hum of machinery, the soft glow of computer screens casting eerie shadows against the metallic walls.

"I've been trying to call you," Susan said sharply. "Seraphim just gave us new orders."

"Can't talk," Devara mumbled, his focus still on the game in front of him. "Fighting."

"Just pause it," Susan insisted, trying to get him to focus on the seriousness of the situation.

"It's an MMO," Devara retorted.

"I don't have time for your technobabble," Susan snapped back, her patience wearing thin. In a swift and assertive move, she drew her sword and slashed it across the computer.

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