Absolute Beginners

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Jareth's P.O.V

    I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake Jonathon from his slumber. The sun was slowly rising which meant that the goblins would be waking soon to do their duties. I silently went out the door and into the chilly hallway. To my surprise, Poppit and Myah were up earlier than the others.

     "Your majesty, we've come up with a perfect idea!" Myah quietly squealed as she gave Poppit a squeeze. He coughed and nodded for she was knocking the air out of him. "What's this idea of yours?" I whispered, making Myah finally let him go so he could breathe. "You see," began Poppit airily, "we thought that we should arrange a date for just you and F/n while we have a play date with Jonathon." A grin immediately began to spread across my face as I pulled them both into a squeeze.

    Poppit wheezed and patted my arm, he was begging for air. I quickly let them both go and got up. With a pep in my step I sashayed into the throne room. I'm sure she'd love to have a date! We'd be able to bond more and have a great time, just her and I. Jonathon would also have a great time, a play date with the goblins would give him some experience of being the Goblin Prince.

I plopped myself onto my throne and watched as the goblins came from their chambers. They all groggily went to go get their breakfast, but soon enough they'll completely wake up and be loud. Jonathon suddenly ran into the throne room like a bat out of Hell. He was giggling and carrying something odd in his arms.

      Soon enough F/n was chasing after him, a slight blush tinged across her face. Jonathon immediately flung the item onto my lap. A huge blush spread across my face when I realized it was an undergarment. F/n made a horrified expression as Jonathon snickered. She quickly snatched it off my lap and muttered an apology.

"It's alright," I chuckled as she awkwardly backed away. Her blush was absolutely adorable. She hurried off to her room, probably going to get dressed. I looked over at Jonathon, he smiled at me and was pretending to be completely innocent. I silently tutted at his behavior, but I couldn't stay mad at him. His face lit up with excitement as the goblins came back into the room, chattering away.

    I chuckled as he immediately ran over to Myah and Poppit, giving them both a squeeze. F/n strutted into the room, wearing a beautiful lavender gown. It showed off her curves and edges, it made her look like a queen. She smiled at me and sat on the armrest of my throne. Pure love was bubbling in my chest. I wrapped an arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

    "We have an event tonight and I'll be by your bedchamber around 6 o'clock to get you," I informed her. She nodded, her expression was fully of curiosity. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Poppit and Myah beaming with delight. They both quickly gave me a thumbs up, and then went back to playing with Jonathon.


      As the clock ticked a quarter to six, I finished up tidying my appearance for our date. My anxiety grew as my eyes glued their gaze to the grandfather clock. She was most likely ready by now, doing the same as me. I mustered up my courage and left my bedchamber, the goblins were doing their own things. I trotted over to her door and knocked, I could hear her anxiously shuffle to the door.

    My heart started to beat louder at the sight of F/n. Her beautiful skin was radiant, her hair was neatly done, and her dress was as beautiful champagne color. She also wore little to no makeup, expressing her natural beauty a tad. I felt as though I was staring into the night sky and watching a beautiful constellation. "You look absolutely gorgeous, love." I purred, she blushed and smiled at my words. I held out my arm and she immediately hooked hers with mine.

We slowly exited the castle and I covered her eyes. "I have a surprise for you, okay?" She nodded and I carefully lead her over to the surprise. I removed my hands and heard her gasp at the sight. It was an elegant candlelit table with rose petals and wine under the setting sun. Hoggle was playing the violin under a tree, it took a while to get him to learn but it payed off well. She smiled widely as I escorted her to her chair and pushed it in for her once she sat.

   A goblin arrived once I sat down, carrying two silver covered trays. "Thank you, Einstein," I whispered as he placed a tray in from of both of us. He bowed and sauntered off as we both uncovered the trays. F/n's face glowed as she saw that it was her favorite dish. "You honestly shouldn't have spoiled me..." she whispered. I chuckled, " Why shouldn't I? You are pretty much a princess after all." She blushed and began to pick at her food. I smirked and began to eat as well.

Once we finished our lovely meal Einstein came back and took away the trays. I took a sip of wine as F/n twirled a rose petal between her fingers. She gave me a beautiful smile which made me feel like my heart was melting. Her eyes scanned over my suit, "Do you like what you see love?" I teased, making her blush and shyly look away. "O-of course I do," she cutely stuttered. I grinned and put my hand on hers and intertwined our fingers.

We joked around and laughed, but most importantly we got to know each other better. She had a love for music and art, I could see the passion burn in her eyes as she talked about it. She was such a shy and timid girl at first, but now that she's opened up I could see the real her. She was a sweet, passionate, considerate, and lovely young woman. It took a little for me to snap out of lovingly staring at her for a few minutes, damn she was intriguing.

I opened up a bit about myself as well, but there honestly wasn't much. We both loved music and art, and I didn't want to bore her with kingly stuff, so I decided to tell her the best things I've experienced. She was awestruck about the time I visited a wizarding school in a different realm and got to experience a game called Quidditch. We danced as the night progressed and watched the constellations that I made for her. I used to say that I'd move the stars for no one, but she was an exception.


   We sleepily entered the castle, the first sight was Poppit in a dress with a sleepy Jonathon in his small arms. I took him from the Goblin and carried him into his room and tucked him in with F/n and my trusted goblins by my side. We all quietly left his room and sauntered off into the hall. "Poppit, why are you wearing a dress and heels?" I asked. The goblin took off the heels and rubbed his sore feet. "Jonathon made me wear them I'd fall when he'd chase us around," he whispered, F/n, Myah, and I silently laughed. We had a quick conversation and then the two hobbled off to bed. F/n and I got into our bedchambers into our nightclothes. She came over to my room and curled up in bed next to me.

    I protectively wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled closer to my chest. She sighed happily as I stroked her hair and hummed a slow tune. Soon enough we both peacefully fell asleep.

I'm so sorry that it took ages to update! I've been stressing over the fact that I start school this Wednesday and updates will be a bit slow, but I promise to update when I have time. Hope you enjoyed, lovelies!

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