SimonKJones presents: WHY WE WRITE

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Times are hard.

Some say they're the hardest they've ever been.

Professionally published authors struggle to earn a living, scrabbling to write around the enforced day job.

Graphic novelists are forced to abandon the form because it fails to earn them a living wage.

The century of full time artists is behind us, as distant a memory as public telephones and cathode ray tubes and FM radio.

We live in a cursed land of plenty, where the explosion of Makers means being noticed is the rarest of invisible miracles.

Creators willingly contribute to the exponential successes of their host platforms, while scratching in the dirt for rent money.

Our voices are lost in the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated each day by humanity.

We are all victims of the total perspective vortex.

Yet, still we write.

Words are not a luxury item waiting to be traded for super-stardom and riches.

Words are comfort. They are a warm blanket at the end of a long day.

Words are healing. They are the spoken embrace at a funeral and a light in dark places.

Words are memory. They have brought us through five thousand years of recorded history, each generation building on the last.

Words are inspiration. They remind us that we do this not because it is easy but because it is hard.

Words are passports. They travel across borders and oceans unhindered.

Words are weapons. They are guided missiles, bringing down governments and corporations.

Words are freedom. They power through censorship and corruption and suppression, like grass pushing ceaselessly through the concrete sidewalk.

Individually we may not be noticed, but collectively our words are defining what it is to be The Humans.

And so, we write.


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Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora