ljwrites85 Presents: Criminal Intentions One Year Anniversary

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Hi everyone, I'm ljwrites85 but most people call me LJ. This is my first time participating in the Block Party and I'd like to thank Kelly Anne for this opportunity.

So this is a little celebration for me. My first ever story on Wattpad, Criminal Intentions (a collection of 22 mystery/thriller themed short stories), is a year old!

  My first ever story on Wattpad, Criminal Intentions (a collection of 22 mystery/thriller themed short stories), is a year old!

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I genuinely can't believe it's been a whole year since I took the big scary leap to publish my stories on Wattpad!

I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read, commented and voted on it. You have really help me grow and become more confident as a writer. You rock!

So as part of the first birthday celebration I have written a story exclusively for the Block Party. I hope you enjoy it!

The Other Policeman.

The blue and white crime scene tape flapped gently in the wind, as the final rays of the wintery sunshine disappeared from the sky over the forest.

"I'm at the point now," whined Police Constable Aaron Marling, "that I don't think I'll ever get warm again."

PC Marling stomped his feet and rubbed his hands together, trying to get some feeling back in his cold numbed body. He buried his face in his yellow reflective jacket and pulled his standard issue police cap down as far as it could go.

"Stop being so mel-o-bloody-dramatic," replied his companion from the other side of the crime scene. The trees were so dense, Marling could barely see the other policeman. He was sure he caught sight of a yellow jacket earlier but that was it.

It had nearly given him a heart attack when a deep male voice had greeted him earlier, he'd been told he was on the night shift alone. Really he shouldn't have been that surprised, his bosses were always doing this sort of thing to him.

"I'm not," he replied, his breath forming a cloud in front of him. "I just don't see why we're here out in the middle of the woods, freezing our backsides off for no reason."

"The killer might come back."

"Doubt that very much, in this weather," mumbled Marling. "Plus the fact they finished with this place weeks ago it's not like there's anything else to find."

He looked down at the mud that had been churned up by the crime scene techs, no frozen like some sort of weird shrine. There was a patch near the centre that he knew was darker and redder than the rest. This time it wasn't the cold that made him shudder.

"If there's still crime scene tape up, there's still a crime scene," replied the other policeman.

Marling was so tempted to pull the stupid tape down and go back to the station for a nice hot cup of tea.

"This your first guard duty?" the other man asked.

Marling snorted. "I wish. Apparently I've got a knack for it, well that's what the boss says whenever I complain."

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now