9. The pain he is living with

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Sanskar sees a photo frame on table. He goes and take the photo in his hand and caress it.

Sanskar: I miss you Kavita. You were my love, my life. I never thought that I will have live without you but I am living my life without you. Why did you leave me? I still can't forget the day you left me.


Sanskar was in his room with Arshit who was just three months old. Kavita was getting ready.
Sanskar: Kavita, where are you going? It's sunday na?
Kavita: I know Sanskar, but I have to meet my friend who is coming today after long time.
Sanskar (confused): Who is this friend? Can't you call her to our home?
Kavita: woh..woh..haa, yes I can but she has to go back today only so I m going to meet her and after that she will go from the airport only.
Sanskar: hmm okk.. bye and take care.
Kavita: okk bye.

After that kavita left nd Sanskar again got busy with Arshit.
After some time Sanskar got a phone from unknown no.
Sanskar (confused): Hello, yes, Sanskar maheshwari speaking.

But after what he heard something which makes his face turn pale. Ap who was passing by his room see his pale face. She goes to him and ask him.

Ap: What happened to you Sanskar? Why are you so tensed?
Sanskar who was numb till now comes into his sense and say: maa,.. woh..woh... Kavita...
Ap: Kavita? What happened to her?(confused)
Sanskar: maa, Kavita ..accident.
Ap: what ?
Sanskar: maa, Kavita's car fell from the cliff and blast. ( He said still in shock)
Ap:( worried) what are you saying Sanskar?
Sanskar: maa, I have to go now.

Ap;l: yes , yes go fast. Don't worry nothing happened to her.

Sanskar nods and left.
Laksh sees him. He also followed him. Both left.

Sanskar and Laksh both reach the accident area. They saw so many people around the cliff and they are looking down from the cliff. Sanskar went there and what he saw, made him blank. He fell on his knees. Laksh saw him and try to hold him but he couldn't. He was also too shocked to do anything. Then inspector comes to them.
Insp: I m sorry sir. Your car fell from the cliff nd it blasted. We didn't found Mrs. Maheshwari till now but we are trying our best.
Laksh (shocked) noded.
Sanskar was just numb. Tears falling from his eyes. It seems like he is totally in different world. Laksh sees him. He don't know what to say, how to compose him.
Laksh (fumbles) bhai...
Sanskar didn't react.
Laksh: bhai...
Sanskar was looking at space blankly with tears in his eyes. He didn't even bother to hear his words. Suddenly he fainted.
Laksh took him to mm. He know that he is shocked due to this sudden heart-wrenching news.


Everyone sees them but Laksh take him to his room with help of driver. Then he told everyone about what happened. Everyone were shocked and sad nd they were crying. Doctor comes and check Sanskar and informed Everyone that he fainted due to shock. He will come in sense tomorrow morning. He has given him injection. After  that doctor leaves.

Next day:
Everyone was sad, AP was continuously crying. Sujata was with her. Uttara was with Sanskar to see him if he get conscious. Laksh was sitting on the sofa. He was trying to calm Arshit who was crying since he woke up. Laksh was feeling sad for him. Sujata somehow console AP. Ap takes Arshit and somehow make him sleep.

Then Inspector came .
Dp: yes Inspector, did you get any information?
Inspector bow his head and nods.

Dp: Did you find Kavita? Is she fine?
Insp: yes DP ji, We found her but...
Dp: but what?
Inspector signals and the ward boys come with a body covered with white sheet.
Ap: no, this can't be true!!
Inspector: I m sorry mam, but it is true
MRS KAVITA MAHESHWARI IS NO MORE. Her body is burned, even her face can't recognized.
Laksh: Then how can you be sure that it is Kavita?
Inspector: Mr. Laksh, we found this ring there only and it is recognized that it was of Mrs. Kavita's.
Laksh: Yes, that's true its kavita's but it does not prove that the body is also kavita.
Insp: Sir this is medical report of the dead body.
Laksh see the report and the report fell from his hands.
Ap: What is in that Laksh?
Laksh: It's......its  ka..kavita.
Suddenly they hear uttara voice.

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