59. Punishment for the partner

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7:30 a.m.
Swara slowly open her eyes as sun rays disturbed her. She look at Sanskar who was hiding her face in her nape, sleeping cuddling to her. She couldn't stop herself from admiring his innocent handsome face ,he was sleeping peacefully having no worries, no problems why not after all now everything's over. She had seen how much he was desperate to get relief from this Kavita drama and how much he was tensed that if everything will go right or not but now everything's is finally ended.

She slowly cups his face and caress it.  He look super cute especially when he sleep like baby ,she Chuckled at her thought She remembered how she fell in love with him in college. She always used to steal glances of  him hiding which he never noticed. Sanskar never came to know about it and secondly he didn't even know that she was studying in his college only. That time she thought his and her world are totally different and they can never be together especially he  was having his girlfriend Kavita but how can she ignore Destiny which always change our lives. That's the reason she is with him today , finally after so many hurdles, no more problems. She knows Sanskar still don't know that she loves him since college time but she don't care much about it as she is happy with him only, she is happy that he love her and she don't want anything else.
( Don't worry guys Sanskar will come to know about this also)

Swara caress his eyes, her soft finger lightly touched his nose and cheeks,moving toward his chin. A smile was playing on her lips... She touch his lips when suddenly she felt herself rolling and find herself pinned to bed beneath him. It happened in so less time that she couldn't figure out much and her eyes got close. She open her eyes and met with Sanskar eyes who was now looking at her with smirking smile on his face.

Sanskar ( raising his eye brows) what were u doing wify? Ahaan, let me guess, taking advantage of your innocent husband who was sleeping peacefully..

Swara look at him shocked " was he awake?" She questioned herself.

Sanskar: yeah sweetheart, I was awake since the time you were busy in checking me out. But I m disappointed a bit cause I was waiting that you will kiss me, but no u were just seducing me with your touch. ( Caressing her face)

Swara blushed listening this, she downs her eyes as she was caught. Sanskar smiled to see this.

Sanskar: it's ok, let me continue this..

Saying this he leans toward her lips, Swara breathe heavily. She wasn't looking into his eyes , trying to hold herself. he look at her blushing face as she was turning red and he smilingly leans toward her, slowly the distances between them decrease and He was just an inch apart ,he was about to place his lips on hers but Swara put her hand between their lips. Sanskar chuckled.

Sanskar: always.. but it doesn't affect me Swara.
He kissed on her hand and slowly remove it from her lips. He cups her face and made her look into his eyes. Her heartbeat raised as he slowly caress her hair and leaning toward her to kiss her . she closed her eyes in anticipation. She feels his breathe on her lips and it made her little nervous but she was feeling happy, slowly his lips touched hers sending a shiver to her spine. Sanskar feels her shiver and smiled as it always happens, since the first time they kissed and till now, he just love to have this affect on her. He took her lips into passionate kiss and her hand slowly move toward his shoulder, to his hair ruffling it. She responded equally but he was dominating her. A shiver ran through her spine as she felt him sliding her blouse from her shoulder and her saree was slided , after kissing her for few minutes Sanskar break the kiss  and he dugged his face in her neck and started giving trial kisses making her skip her heart beat. He bite her on shoulder making her gasp in pain and pleasure, She turned her face in another direction giving him access, his hand travelled to her back and pull the knot of her blouse making it loose . Her eyes was closed already but she squeeze it tightly when his hand sensously touched her belly and then caressed her waist . They were lost in their world when a phone call disturbed them.
Swara open her eyes and feels shy. Sanskar get irritated.
Sanskar:( irritated) who is this person?... Leave it. I m not going to take it.
He ignored and Try to continue his work again but Swara stopped him and sign to take the call.
Sanskar: no I won't.. sometime I hate this  stupid phone. It always ring on wrong timing..

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