18. When suspicion gets stronger

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Swara got up from bed and went out once she get confirmed that Sanskar is sleeping. Sanskar opened his eyes as she left the room and closed the door. He also got up from bed and made the pillow wall around Arshit pillows so that he may not fall. He was also afraid that if Arshit didn't find anyone beside him then he will start to cry but he has to do it now. Because it is very important to find out the truth now.
He also left the room and walked around in mansion to find them then He went outside to see in the garden area didnt find them. Suddenly, he thought to go to terrace as its Laksh's favourite spot. He entered inside and was going toward stairs to go to terrace but stopped in his track when he saw something...

Sanskar saw Swara was coming from kitchen with water jug in her hand and Laksh was no where seen.

Sanskar got confused watching her. He hurriedly went toward his room and lied down on bed and closed his eyes as if sleeping.
Swara came inside and saw Sanskar. She put the water jug on table and went to sleep. Sanskar open his eyes and sees Swara facing her back.

Sanskar (monologue): How can be that possible? She went to meet Laksh and I m damn sure about it but how can she come from kitchen? I had seen the kitchen before going to garden area then how come she appeared all of the sudden. May be she got to know that I was following her but how?? It might be possible they saw me but how?... Oh god why its so confusing?

Swara was facing her back and closing her eyes. She knew very well that Sanskar was awake and observing her. She also didn't have any guts to turn and see him but her intuitions were telling her that he was looking at her.

Swara (monologue): I m damn sure you are watching me now Sanskar. I know you want to know the truth but I can't let this happen. I will do anything to keep you away from it. Thank god Laksh saw you in garden from terrace and we came back from back door of store room to kitchen which is connected by wooden staircase. Otherwise, it might have revealed till now. You have to stay away from this truth Sanskar. It will break your heart in million pieces and this time you might not able to handle yourself.

Thinking all this she closed her eyes and slept. Sanskar also slept after sometime.

Swasan room,

Swara was already awake when Sanskar opened his eyes as sunrays disturbed his sleep. He heard sound of water and got that Swara is in washroom. Then he think about last night incident.

Sanskar ( monologue) I could not get anything last night. I m feeling frustrated. (takes the pillow and throw it on floor in frustration) arghhhh!! No Sanskar, calm down. Yoj have to relax. You can't do any mistake. You have to find out. Relax hmm! But how will I know this damn thing that they are hiding...( thought something).

Then only  he saw Swara coming from washroom. Then his phone rings. He took it.

Sanskar: yes Arjun... Don't worry I will take care of it. IT WILL OUT SOON.(serious tone and watching Swara from corner of his eyes)

Swara who heard this stopped as she was going towards dressing table and looked at Sanskar. Fear can be easily seen on her face.

Sanskar (sees Swara afraid): Yes, yes, Tender date will be out soon and then we can apply. Don't take tension, if we were not successful last time, everytime its not possible that luck will in favour of other company. Anyways, last time because of some oversmart moves we lost but this time we will be successful surely. I M NOT GOING TO REPEAT SAME MISTAKE AGAIN.(say last sentence looking into her eyes directly. (His eyes clearly shows anger)

Swara shivered by his look. Sweat formed on her forehead. She looked away from him to calm herself.

Sanskar: Ok bye(disconnected the call).
He looked at Swara and say: Hey, what happen to you? Why are you shivering? Are you feeling cold? (says coming toward her)

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