Chapter 3 (A new phase of life)

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"Arrange for the bridal train,the bride is here"! . The MC spoke through the micro phone.

Zain and her friends were awed by the decoration,the entire entry to the banquet hall was decorated with white roses and lilac flowers. Lilac,  being Zain's favorite colour. A red carpet was spread from the entry to the bride and the groom's seat,the bride and groom's parents were seated on seperate tables not far from each other at the front row. While the rest of the guest occupy the other seats. The hall was full of family,friends and well wishers on that beautiful day.
    Malik,the groom has already made his entrance and was seated  waiting for his  bridal grand entry just like every other anticipating guest. He's just so eager to see how beautiful she looks in her bridal gown. Ya Allah he just can't get enough of her even now that she's all his,all he thinks about is that adorable smile she has with the radiance on her beautiful sleek face.

"Can we all rise please for the bridal entry", the MC disrupted his thoughts.

The DJ starts turned on the music and Maher Zain's "For the rest of my life" started playing through the speakers.
Soon the bride's friends and cousins started making their way into the hall. They stood out in 2 lines with Zainab in the middle.

Zainab couldn't help the adrenalin rush as she saw the large number of people in attendance. She was never used to being around too many people. She rarely attends wedding ceremonies as she has a few friends she mingles with.

She calmed her nerves and walked cautiously so as not to trip and fall flat on her face,that would be pretty awkward and embarrassing,she thought to herself. She spotted her parents and Malik's parents standing  in the front row. The smiles on their faces said it all how happy both parents were  for that day as well.

She took little steps through the patio to her seat held by her friend Munira who has been on her side for support. There she saw Malik standing,as handsome as ever waiting for her with a warm smile spreading across  his face. She knew he's blessed in the looks department and she had always admired God's creation but his good manners and him being an absolute gentle man added more to his charm and charisma.  He held out his hand to help her through the small stairs and settle  on her seat. She looked at him and they spontaneously exchange smiles that only the two lovers  knew what secret  message that smile conveyed. The photographers have been taking pictures of the couple like they were at some award show until Zain carefully settled in her seat.

"You look absolutely beautiful my love, I'm so damn lucky", Malik whispered in her ears while he helped gather her flowing gown so she doesn't trip and fall on it.

She couldn't help the small shy smile that crept on her lips . She could feel the heat rise up to her cheeks. By now,she should've gotten used to hearing amazing compliment from him,but every time he gives her one, an army of butterflies raid her stomach and ofcourse she couldn't help smiling like some idiot.

"You look not bad too yourself". She told him too in her serene,calm and gentle voice.

After the music has slowed down and every one was settled in their seats, the Mc called on Malik's Aunty Hajar to perform the opening prayer. Aunty Hajar being one of Malik's favourite Aunty came up and performed a beautiful du'a asking Allah to bless the newly weds and protect them from whatever evils this union may come with and ofcourse from the evil eye too.

The ceremony was on full swing as the caterers were up and doing serving food and drinks. They made sure every person in attendance had enough to eat and drink that beautiful day.

Two hours after,the wedding reception was over and all guests went back to their respective destinations.
Zain will be accompanied to her new home by some of her family members and friends after the Asr prayer. The hammering in her chest came back when reality sank in that she'll really be leaving the home she grew up in with her parents anf sister in a few hours to come.

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