Chapter 7 (Marital life cont'd)

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Malik was packing his laptop and all other documents he needs to present hia report at the meeting today when he heard the click of heels,the sound approaching to his desk. It's Amal,his new Secretary.  He mentally groaned because he's already tired of seeing her and hearing her talk eventhough today's the first time he's seeing her.
"Your meeting is in a few minutes sir" she said as she made her way to collect the papers he's holding. He had wanted to say no he doesn't need help but he didn't want to be too mean. Besides, she's doing her job.
"So i heard you just came back from your honeymoon with your new wife"    she said as the make their way to the conference hall.
He wasn't expecting this kind of conversation to start with her so he just gave a her nod with a tight smile as a reply.  He doesn't want to be impolite to her as he is her boss and at the same time a gentleman.
"I will e-mail you the minutes and outcome of the meeting for documentation as soon as I'm done here,you're free to go back to your office" he said to her as he collected the paperwork from her making his way into the conference hall.

"But sir,I'm i not supposed to be in there with you as your Secretary?" She questioned which made him turn to see her giving him a puppy dog eyes and battling her eyelashes. The last thing he wants is her going into this meeting with him.
"I'll handle myself please. No arguments with the boss Miss Mehmoud". He closed the door leaving her there standing like a mannequin. He deliberately addressed her by her surname to make things strictly official between them. That's the problem he always has working with the opposite gender, they always try to flirt with him or send him greenlights,but he's not up for it. Zain is all he cares about.

Amal stood there for about 3 clean minutes,she can't believe that Mr Malik just dissed her. This is her first day working with him for God's sake. Well she can't help staring at him all the time. When she got this job,she didn't think she'll be working with a young handsome charming gentleman like Malik. This is not what she bargained for,she thought. She walked back to her office and start to work on the design for their next project. But the annoying thing is she can't seem to stop thinking about her boss,Mr Malik.
"Amal control yourself,he's just recently married" she mentally slapped herself. As much as he's good looking,she is not that bad looking too,and she will try her best to keep their relationship strictly professional. She thought to herself.  And yes, no more first names,only surnames just as he calls her Miss Mehmoud she will call him Mr Ahmad too. She checked the computer on her desk for e-mail from Malik,oops Mr Ahmad she mentally corrected herself. He has indeed sent the e-mails and with that she started working on the documentation before closing time. 

At her office,Zainab shuts down her computer and took her car keys to go meet up with Munira for lunch. They met at the hall ways and decided to ride to the nearest cafe in Zainab's new car.
"Awww Zainah... look at this baby" Munira  gushed seeing Zainab's new car
"Baba bought it for me as a wedding gift" Zainab said as they both enter the car and set to go.

At the cafe,they ordered for their food and drinks. While waiting for their food to come,Munira poked Zainab on her arm "so tell me about marital life my friend"
Zainab couldn't help the smile as her eyes lighten up as she began to speak.
"This one month of my life,has being the best,being with Malik is the best decision I've ever made in my whole life. He makes me happy always and he's always there to support and correct me when I'm wrong. I just miss Mama,Baba and my siblings because I'm used to being around them. But Malik makes everything lighter and easier" she finished her eyes lightning up.
"Awww I'm fangirling,I'm so happy that you're happy Zain" Munira gushes holding Zainab's hand.
"Oh ma Gawwwddd what I'm i seeing?." Munira shrieks as she saw the customised gold bracelet on Zainab's wrist with Zainab and Malik's initials on it.
"Err Malik got this for me when we went for our honeymoon" Zainab gushed.

"You guys are so cute... i wanna be like y'all someday " Munira said just as the waiter came through with their order. They dug into their food and ate while they talk about other girly things.

At 3o'clock,Zainab's working hours were over. She said goodbye to Munira and made her way back home. She hadn't realise how tired she is until she entered he home. She decided to take a shower and relax for some minutes before the time for Asr prayer. She puts her long hair in a bun and got ready to shower. As soon as she got out of shower she changed into a pair of lose sweat pants with a light tank top. Taking her phone out of her bag,she decided to text Malik even though she knows he's having a busy day,but she misses her husband and needs to hear from him. So she texted him.
*mind sparing some minutes for your wife? She misses you here".

Not too long after she send the text she heard her phone buzz and she's sure it's Malik's text coming in.

*I'm having a slow day here but anything for my princess.,i miss you more btw*

She smiled at his response and types back

*I'll see you when you're home M. Love you".

The adhan for Asr prayer made her get up to prepare for prayer. She went into the toilet to perform ablution,came out spread her praying mat,put her long dark thick hijab on and start to pray.

At around 5:30 after relaxing, she set into the kitchen to cook dinner. The house feels so empty without her husband she thought. Soom she finished up cooking dinner,as she was setting the table,she hears the sound of Malik's car coming into their home. Happiness washed over her as she jumped in his arms immediately he entered the living room. The familiar scent of his masculine cologne welcoming her.
"Looks like someone was all by themself today" he said kissing her temples.
"I missed you" she murmured

"I know, and i missed you more Zain" he held her by the small of her back as they walked into the bedroom.
Malik got into the shower and Zainab put out his clothes into the laundry. She got back into the room as he came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. She looked at him and slightly blushed turning her head away but he it's too late as he has  already caught her staring.
"Like what you see wifey?" He winked smirking wickedly at her.

"You're not serious.. now get dressed before Maghrib comes through." She threw a towel at him making him laugh.
He changed into a black sweatpants with a white cotton t-shirt. It's just his favourite kind of outfit for relaxing every time he frees himself from the suits he wears during working hours.

The adhan for maghrib was called and he left for the mosque to pray,normally he comes back home after he has prayer isha'i.
Zainab prayed at home too and waited for Malik to come home so they'll eat dinner.
Malik came home after isha'i prayer and Zainab served them dinner. They ate in comfortable silence after which Malik helped her put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher as she clears the table.
"I won't be doing any office work today " Malik smirked at her. They're sitting in the game room now with Malik playing PS while Zainab's watching some movie on Netflix.
"So.. what will you do" Zainab questioned crossing her arms.

"Come here and tell me about your day and I'll here about it" he patted the spot very close to him on the big comfortable couch.
And with that Zainab sat close and told her husband all about her day with his head in her laps as she told him all about her day.

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