Chapter 43 (The lie in my marriage)

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Salam hey #TLIMMsquad... hope we all good. Can't believe we're at chapter 43 now. We've come a long way guys and i am thankful to every one of you amazing people who have been with me right from chapter one even when the whole story seemed lame and kinda crappy. Thank you for believing in me and believing in what i do. A huge shout out goes to (@kahdeeja) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter.  Thank you beautiful. 😘

Here goes another chapter squad. Enjoy ❤
She couldn't believe what her ears just heard from Malik so she looked up to stare at his face so as to pick out if he's just kidding about the marrying her part but to her utter suprise and shock,his face showed no hint of being playful. He was patiently looking at her expectantly waiting to hear what she'll say. She swallowed a huge lump that formed in her throat.
He cleared his throat in an attempt to distract her from her trance

"Ermm i... "

She trailed off trying to find the right words to tell him.

His pair of dark btown eyes were still fixed on her making it difficult for her to say what she wants to say.

"I will let my mom know about it and then arrangements will be made for you to see my wali (Custodian)".

She finally muttered as a small smile formed on her lips. She never in a million years saw it coming that soon,Malik asking her hand in marriage.

"So is that an approval from you?".

He questioned trying to supress the huge goofy grin forming on his face.

For some odd reason she felt shy about looking up at him now and even talking to him. So she nodded her head up and down as a sign of yes looking down as her hands fiddled with the cotton fabric of her skirt.

"You've agreed to be mine Amal?".

He pressed again trying to make her speak a word atleast.  He had seen how shy she had suddenly become.

"Yes Malik,i am yours. I have agreed to be your wife.  Your Amal Hameedah".

She stated as a matter of factly.

"Wow this is beautiful, you're beautiful Ma shaa Allah ".

He said with a deep sigh his happiness evident in his tone.

Amal's cheeks were starting to hurt already adding to the heat she just felt creeping onto them as she heard him call her beautiful.  Her smile grew wider and couldn't wait to share the good news with Hafsah and her mom too.

"What's in that head? You look deep in thoughts and smiling all the way".

Malik interrupted as a smirk formed on his face. She cocked her eyebrow at him questioningly.

"Oh i get it you can't help thinking about me even when i am right in front of you. Way to go soon to be wifey".

"So smug now aren't we? As if you're not the person who finished confessing their undying love for me".

She responded with a snort making him throw his head back laughing.

"That was a quick clap back".

"Yeah you can call me the queen of clap backs."
She shrugged.

"Now who's the smug one?" He asked with a laugh.

"You ofcourse".
She pointed at him with her index finger narrowing her eyes.

"Girl if you're lying i swear i will puke all over you right now and remind me to ruin your clothes from last eid".

Hafsah threatened.

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now