Chapter 41 (Confession)

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Hey guyss... How's my #TLIMMsquad been?  Hope y'all great.. A huge shout out goes to r(@MaimunaRamalan) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter.  Thank you lovely. Oh #teamZainMalik this chapter is definately for y'all.
Eventhough her instinct kept telling her something unpleasant was going to come from Malik,she never for once took her mind to what he just uttered to her. His words kept on playing in her head like a broken record. It took her brain several minutes to process what he just said,her eyes stayed glued to him expressionless and unblinking trying as much as she could to differentiate if she was in a dream or this is indeed the reality. She pinched herself a little and felt the sudden pain making her wince a little and that was when she knew indeed she wasn't dreaming.

"Zain say something please".
She felt Malik's hands taking her hands. The small gesture which use to be the best thing that comforted her and gave her mind some peace whenever she lost it but those hands felt nothing like her little comfort zone. Clicking to her mind,she quickly snatched her hand away from his touch making him reach out for her hand again as she quickly swatted it away,his face fell from her action but she cared less because the last thing she wanted to see at that moment was him. She had so many questions to ask him and so many things to tell him at this moment but to her utmost disappointment, her brain and mind were not in agreement with eachother as she can not even find the words to say anything to him. She stood from the couch and straightened her robe clutching it's sleeves in her hands in an attempt to keep her trembling body in place. She walked slowly as her legs felt heavy as if they have drained too much water in them. It's times like this that she felt it's better for the tears to fall rather than having this unexplainable emotion raging in her heart.
She finally managed to get her feet to start moving slowly like baby steps ignoring Malik's call of her name. He stood to follow her and help her to the room but she felt more sick from seeing him approach her than the current situation she was in. She stopped him with a wave of her hand and resisted the urge to gag.
She finally got into the bedroom and plopped down on the mattress pulling the cover on her body.
Malik on the other hand was perplexed by Zain's expression after telling her about Amal,he wished she had yelled and threw things up at him instead of the cold,silent emotionless attitude she gave earlier. He didn't miss how she flinched at his touch and the way she waved him off when he approached her to help her steady her trembling body.
His shoulders slumped in disappointment as he sat back in the sofa watching her form leave the living room with her arms clutching the sleeves of her robe tightly.

He had been pondering upon telling her for days,it was a difficult decision to make but nonetheless he had to man up and tell her. He expected shock from her eyes when he looked in them but she stood still with her eyes emotionless and unblinking.
When she left for the bedroom he wanted so much to follow her and hold her but the way she flinched at his touch earlier was a clear indication that she wanted to be on her own and have some alone time that night.
He stood from the sofa and turned off the lights,after making sure all the doors were locked he made his way to the bedroom too to retire for the night. He was hoping to see Zain's sleeping form on the bed but to his utmost suprise,the bed was empty and perfectly made showing that no one has slept in it. He walked out of the bedroom and went to Zain's bedroom,reaching the door he twisted the knob but the door didn't open. Clearly Zain chose to slept in her bedroom today instead of sleeping with him in his room as they usually do together. That was another clear indication that she doesn't want him anywhere near her. He thought to himself as he turned and made his way to his room feeling a little hurt from her action. But who was he to complain when he had equally hurt her to,maybe more than his mind could think of. He got into bed and pulled the duvet on him but there was no way sleep would overtake him as every time he closed his eyes,all he saw was the image of Zain's silent cold stare towards him. And for the first time in their three years of marriage,they without reaching a solution to an issue and ofcourse in seperate rooms.

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