Chapter 29 (Lose ends)

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Salaam hello #TLIMMsquad. How are we all? Loool based on your comments from the previous chapter i saw it has triggered some reactions towards Malik. Take a chill pill lovelies and read on. Malik has taken a challenge upon himself and he would definitely pay a price for that. A huge shout out goes to (@Nurdinijennifer) again for the third time. She was the first commenter on the previous chapter ,i really appreciate you lovely along with every other person who reads,votes and comment on this story. Yeah ghost/silent readers i send my regards to y'all too. Enjoy the chapter lovelies. 😘
Days after they got back from Vegas,Amal spent almost everyday thinking about the news Malik broke to her that night. They barely meet with Malik these days,which made her think that he's avoiding her,just the way he said he would give her time,he was doing a great job at that.
She has already thought about what she'll tell him if he approaches her again but the funny thing is he never mentioned it again. He speaks to her in a normal way like it has never happened before. She had talked to Hafsah about it and she told her that both of them needed the time off each other for something serious and promising to begin. She gave a deep sigh as she removed her glasses and closed down her laptop,she needed food as she barely took anything before Leaving home. She took her bag and wore some comfy slippers as she made her way out of her office to go get something to eat.

At his office,Malik buried himself in his work. Not that he was eager to hear from her but she needed more time to process what happened and make a decision on her own. The last thing he wanted was to pressure her into making a quick decision. He took out his phone and decided to call Zain. She had been so busy these days with the ongoing project she's working on at her office. She comes home tired almost everyday and sleeps very early. He knew she might be in the middle of work now but he felt he wanted to talk to her,hear her voice and know how she's doing.
She didn't pick at the first attempt until he called for the second time.

"Hey habibi... what's up with you?".

She said from the other side making him smile immidiately.

"Just called to hear from you baby,how's work going over there?"
He questioned.

"It's crazy here,i am just too tired and exhausted. I need some rest".

"How about i come get you for lunch?"

"That would just be perfect, i will be waiting for you my love ".

"Alright will be there in 20 minutes".

After hanging up, Malik shut down his laptop and took his car keys. He came out of his office and noticed Amal's office door closed. Wondering where she was at this time,he checked his watch to see the time. Clearly she went for lunch as it's almost 3 at that time.
In about 15 minutes Malik's car stopped at Zain's office entrance. He called to let her know that he's outside.

"I just pulled up, should i come in to get you?"

"Don't worry,i am downstairs already will come meet you in a jiffy". She responded as he heard shuffling from the background meaning she's already on her way.
He spotted her coming and he unlocked the passenger door for her as she came in with a beaming smile on her face.

"You look all weared out" .
He cupped her cheek in his palms.

"I know,i am just choked up with work. Everything is just slow that's the most frustrating part".

"It'll be over in no time my love. Let's get you to lunch ".
He said smiling at her as he turned the ignition and started the car.
At the restaurant, they found a less crowdy and got seated. The waitress came and took their order.

"I'm already starving,can't wait to attack that food like my prey".

Malik threw his head as he laughed at what Zain just said. He knew for real no one would mess with her when she's hungry and he finds that very hilarious every time he sees her that way.

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