Chapter 32 (Coffee,coffee)

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Salam #TLIMMsquad how are we all? Hehhe i can see I've triggered some emotions from #Amalik's moments in the previous chapter. Be patient lovelies as i said,the story is at it's climax now and Amal and Malik's moments are still on but that doesn't mean Zain will be abandoned or forgotten. A huge shout out goes to my first commenter on the previous chapter which is (Veena97ravi). I really appreciate you lovely for the comments all through out this book. ❤
Enjoy the chapter.
"Here's your coffee. " He said handing her the cup of steaming hot coffee. The smell hit her nose and she suddenly felt the need to take a sip out of her most favourite thing to start a day with.
"This is so kind of you,thank you Malik".

"You're welcome ". He said as he sat himself down in the chair facing her with his own coffe in his hand.

"But i was supposed to get you coffee not the other way round". She said as she sipped her coffee.

"Well i came earlier than you,and i wanted to get myself some coffee so i thought why not get you a cup too". He said with a slight raise of his shoulder.

"Mhmm,why do you take your coffee without anything, just plain. Are you a lactose intolerant or a diabetic?"

Amal questioned with curiosity evident in her tone.

Her question made him laugh a little. He loves her curious nature,and it's only when she's close to a person that she lets them know of her curious nature.

"No Amal,I'm neither a lactose intolerant nor a diabetic. I just prefer my coffee plain,black,sugarless and strong ". He said to her.

"You know the darker the stronger it is,that's my idea of a good coffee."
He added with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Mhmmm i see. I don't like plain sugarless coffee, that's why i prefer espresso or cappuccino. Here,try mine. I promise you it's amazing". She said as she slid her cup to him with a grin.

"No way Amal. I am not used to this your idea of coffee. I can't take it". He said shaking his head as a sign of no.

"Pleasee,just take a sip. For me". She said requested making her puppy dog face.

"Fine you will try mine too " . He slid his coffee to her side as he took her cup from her.

They both took a sip from each other's coffee and both of them quickly drop it passing it to each other.

"It's so bitter and tasteless". Amal said squeezing her face as she handed him his coffee.

"And yours is too damn sugary, i can't deal Amal. " He handed her back her coffee laughing at what both of them did.

"I'm never taking your coffee, ever again". She said as she took a sip of her espresso.

"And i am never taking yours,ever again too". He responded mimicking her tone with a laugh.

They finished up and Malik helped Amal with his schedule for the day. He left for his office with the promise that they'll be having lunch together today.

"Lets hope you won't be too busy with meetings and all". She said.

"Hopefully,see ya later Hameedah ". He smirked as he waved at her.

"Second name huh. Later then".
She responded with an eye roll as she watched him leave.

"Yup" ,he said popping the letter P making his lips pout as a boyish lazy grin made it's way to his face as he turned and left her office.

"So you ditched me the other day yea?"
Munira came into Zain's office with a raised eyebrow. Her expression made Zain burst with laughter.
"Stop laughing it's not funny,i was looking forward to go jewellery shopping with you only to get your message that Malik would be accompanying you".
She finished with a pout.

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