Chapter 15

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We were done at the event, Taeyang came by to pick me up because we had some things to talk about.
On our way Taeyang wanted to stop by a bar because he knew someone who worked there, the person phoned him.
Youngbae was definitely not one for drinking so I knew atleast its going to be a quick stop.
When we arrived and walked in, Taeyang greeted the girl and she asked Taeyang for his help.
We noticed some guys were harassing 2 girls.
Taeyangs friend said that it was 2 girls that was minding their own business and these men just started harassing them, she also added that the one girl were drunk and the other one tried her best to get her friend away.
The bouncer wasn't in so they were powerless against them.

I suddenly heard a familiar voice saying "Layla lets go."
I tried to see who it was.
Me and Youngbae were watching them.
They were arguing.
Suddenly I heard the one girl say " Aah is that so .. I guess you're jealous because your beloved GD didnt take advantage of you and GD didn't want you so now you're pissed off at everyone around you. "
The other girl replied with thats enough.
But that name rang a bell.
What that girl just said made my body numb.

I noticed the one man tried to kiss a girl but the girl tried to fight him off.
Taeyang ran to pull the man off, when I saw who the girl was, it felt like a demon was waking up inside.
It was A Ru.
I grabbed the guy, punched him and pushed him out.
The men left without trying to fight back.
I took Layla out and put her in Taeyang's car and ran back.
I saw Taeyang was helping A Ru up, her knees were bleeding.
I walked out behind Taeyang towards her and Taeyang left us and went to the car.
My heart was aching seeing her this helpless, she looked surprised.

I looked at her and smiled "Still cheeky I see. Are you okay? Oh I put Layla in the car she's drunk off her ass and passed out."

She gave me a faded smile. "Yes I am okay and Thank you I was worried about her."

I nodded. "Can you walk? "

"Yes i am fine." She tried really hard not show how much pain she had.
When she tried to walk she lost her balance.
I got such big fright, I responded to her fall and grabbed her around her body.
She pushed me away and said she's fine.
But obviously I can see she's being stubborn. "Okay so are you drunk then?"

She frowned at me. "No?"

"Well it doesn't look like you can walk." I said staring at her.

"I'm fine, I'll manage."

I rolled my eyes at her took her arm and put it around my neck.
I know women can be stubborn sometimes but she takes the cake.

We walked to the car, having her body so close to mine and seeing her in pain, made me just want to protect her.
I don't know why on earth I am thinking like this.

I put her gently into the car, she didn't say a word she just glared at me.
Her knees were still bleeding so I stood there trying to think of a way to stop her bleeding so I thought to myself, wait the shirt I'm wearing is old anyway so I can rip a piece off.
I took the piece and wanted to cover her knees but she stopped me.

I gave her a glare. "Yah, I just ripped my shirt to cover your bleeding knees, can you be any more ungrateful? Besides I don't want you to leave your blood stains in Youngbaes Car."

She pulled her face in the cutest way, I couldn't help but to look at her.
I was glaring at her, her face went completely red.

"Wh.. What?" She asked.

"Stop being cheeky. " I replied while closing the door.

I got into to the car and we left.
Taeyang was quiet but I thought maybe I should ask A Ru if we should take them home.

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