Skye's Past

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A/N well here you go chapter 4. I don't know why I said that.
Skye's POV
I held my breath when I heard that voice. I knew that voice! It was the wolf and his pack that killed my family.
Before I went on the Paw Patrol, I lived with my mom, Miranda. My dad Arthur, my brother Carson and my sisters Alana, Kristi, and Maya. Mom had golden fur and green eye's and Dad had brown fur and blue eye's. Alana looked liked dad. Carson was the splitting image of dad with mom's eyes. Same thing with Kristi. Maya looked just like mom but with dad's eye's. I looked like mom but with my grandma's pink eyes. She died in a heart attack. We lived in a small peaceful woods with a beautiful tree we sit by. I will always remember the horrible deaths that happened.
It all happened so fast! My mom and dad were running for our home and we woke up when we heard wolves. "Dad? Dad! What's happening!" Alana asked. She was the oldest in the group. Following Carson, Kristi, Maya, and then me. "Kids. We don't have that much time! You have to trust us all in this. We are hunted by the wolves in the forest. Remember the pack of wolves I told you guys not to disturb?" We all nodded our heads. What did we do? Ever since we lived here, they threatened us even though we never did anything. "We were hunting what we needed for dinner today and they said we stole their prey and now they're going to kill us!" mom said, shaking with fear. "Now is the time. There's no time to gather things. Come kids! We have to leave. We will get new things, go to the city of Adventure Bay. We have to leave NOW." There was cruel chuckling behind us. "Oh Miranda, Arthur. Do you think we're that dumb enough to let you go?" said the leader of the pack. "Victor! Leave my wife and kids out of this! We never done anything to you and your pack! Leave us ALONE!" Dad began to attack Victor and yelled." Miranda! Kids! RUN!" Mom's eyes were glazed with tears as she saw Dad being beaten up and then Victor bit dad's neck and then Dad laid dead on the grass. Then Mom began to attack Victor and yelled the same thing "Run kids! I LOVE YOU! RUN!" Alana began to push us to run. We didn't want to leave and I knew she didn't want our mom to die as well. We began to run as fast as we can. "All of you get to safety! NOW!" yelled Alana. We began through the night. "You fools" yelled Victor. "Chase the cockapoo pups!" Victor's pack began on us. One wolf caught Carson and tried to scratch him. "No leave me and my sisters alone!" he yelled. He was a good fighter against all of us, but he was no match for a wolf pack. "Sister's. I know I will be gone by now. I want to say I love you guys and he began to fade away. We were all running for our lives. One wolf grabbed Kristi and killed her on the spot. Same thing with Maya. Then it was down to me and Alana. "Alani" I said. That was her nickname I gave her when I couldn't say her name. "Please! I don't want you to leave to." "Don't worry Skye! We will follow mom's orders. We'll leave for Adventure Bay tomorrow." But I knew it was never true. I saw hatred in her eye's seeing the wolves chowing on Maya's flesh. All of us were very close and I didn't want to stay in the place almost everybody was killed. Then Victor came running to us. "You fools. Did you think I'd spare your pathetic family." Alana began to growl and took a step back. "Both of you so young and fresh" said a wolf as neared Alana and breathed in her neck. "Stop it!" she said as she kicked the wolf in the balls (you are welcome. Alana is a good butt kicker) The wolf backed out in pain. "Oh so you play hard Alana?" said Victor as her rounded on her. "Leave her alone!" I yelled. I wished at the time I had Alana's guts or Carson's attack skills. There was nothing I could do. Then she leaned in and said one word.


I began to run on my paws as fast as I could. They first began to attack Alana as she went down like my other relatives. Victor snarled and said "Let her go! She might not be able to survive on her own. And if she does. WE WILL KILL HER!" and those words echoed in my head ever since. All I could remember is running in the woods and crying at the same time. Then I remembered crying to sleep and waking up to see a cute German Shepherd with chocolate brown eye's(Chase) and then I became a member on the Paw Patrol.
End of Flashback
"Wait a minute? Is that the last child of the dogs that used to live here. Daughter of Miranda and Arthur?" I began to play dead and maybe they'll leave me alone. "Hmm." said Victor. I always hated him. Every since he killed my family, I began this dark side for his. "This is the child of the Cockapoo's! Now that she's here," He began to pick me up. "We may feast on the last one!" They began to triumph as I knew I was going to be wolf dinner.
Chase POV
I began searching through the forest, hoping to see anything pink or golden. It was hopeless. I would do anything to see her beautiful pink eyes again. Breath her warm scent and kiss her. Then I was a pack of wolves running. I just hope we get to her first. So I decided to stay hidden behind the wolf pack and see where are they going. It was silly of me to do that because they may be hunting for a bunny or mole but I kept going. Then I saw the pup of my dreams. I overheard what they said. My life is going upside down now. I heard the leader yell "Now, We can feast." The others cheered and then I called Ryder. "Ryder! I found Skye!" I think Ryder smiled as he heard the news. "That's great!" he said happily. "But," I dropped my voice a little. "A pack of wolves are already there saying we shall feast and they're going to eat Skye!" "Don't worry. We'll get to her!"
A/N. Woah that's a long chapter for me! I'm updating that quickly because I have a concert tomorrow and I have to be there. So you now know Skye's past and will she be wolf chow?

Shout out to the following

And me!
(Sorry if I spelled it wrong)

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